Part 1

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I stood in line nervously. One by one, fangirls from all over the country were finally living their dream. They were getting to meet their idols, and it was nearly my turn to do the same. My legs were beginning to shake as I grew closer and closer to the front. I kept seeing camera flashes going off and hearing little giggles from all around me. Of course, I was alone. Everyone that was here waiting to meet the boys had their best friend or their mom with them..and I had no one. I had no one to fangirl with or to share todays awaiting memories with or anything. I've saved every last penny I owned to make this day happen, and alone or not, I knew I wanted to be sure that I was one of those dedicated fans that could say "I have met my idols.". 

The band i'm about to meet are perfect. The personality that each member has is perfect, their accents are perfect, their looks are, their voices, just everything about them is..well, you guessed it..PERFECT. I have two words for you my friends, The Wanted.

In my hands i held a special book that i had brought just for this day. I decorated the front with 'autographs' in fancy writing and inside were a few pages, five of which had each band members name on - a page for Max, one for Tom, one for Jay, one for Nathan and one for Siva. I used to dream about meeting them all the time, and now my dreams were finally coming true.

* * *

I had been waiting around for about fifteen minutes now, there were so many fans here waiting to meet them and i was beginning to think that security would make me turn around a leave..must think positive, must think positive.

Eventually the queue got smaller and now there were just two people standing between me and the moment that i thought would never come. I looked around to take in my surroundings. I was now standing in a middle sized room, white walls, no decor or anything specific placed anywhere..there was a large black back drop placed in front of one of the walls, and a blue carpet on the floor. I was near enough the last person to be meeting the boys, and i knew that had its advantages..I've heard from other people that if you're last then they tend to hang around for a bit longer and you can have a nice chat with them and stuff, which got me even more excited for what was about to happen...

From all the thinking i had been doing over the last five to ten minutes, i hadn't realised that it was my turn to step forward and meet them. I had butterflies building in my tummy and i suddenly became more nervous than i had ever been before. I stepped forward towards the black back drop, and out they walked..those five perfect men that i had adored since 2010. I went weak at the knees, overwhelmed that they were actually there in front of me. I hugged my book close to my chest and just stared, opened mouth at them.

"hi babe, what's your name?" spoke Max. He smiled the most genuine smile i had ever seen.

" names Jess." i smiled shyly up at him. He put his arm round me, as did Jay and they all got into a nice straight row for the photo. Once it had be taken, they all gathered around me. I think I must be dreaming, this isn't happening.

"I don't think we've seen you before have we?" questioned Nathan, who was taking the book out my arms and finding his page to sign. I shook my head.

"this is the first time I've managed to meet you all..I'm left skint, but it was worth it." theres that shy smile again..damn, i wish i was more confident!

"well i'm happy we've met don't seem so loud and up in our faces like some of the other girls." woah..Tom Parker had just said he's happy to have met god, someone better catch me in a minute!

"..thank-you?" i let out a small giggle, which made them all smile. I blushed.

"so where you from darlin'?" ahh, theres that lush irish accent i always loved about Siva.

I finally got the boyband boyfriend I had always dreamt of havingWhere stories live. Discover now