Part 3

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I rolled over in bed and switched my alarm off. 7 am, Monday morning. Ugh. I sat up slowy and rubbed my eyes. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I checked my phone. 1 new message. It was from Tom.

From Tom P: morning beautiful. hope you slept well last night :) x

I smiled instantly when i read the first two words. I then replied to him.

To Tom P: yeah i did, see you tonight parker :-) x

I flicked the swtich on the kettle and got my favourite 'i don't do mornings' mug of the drainer. Whilst the kettle was boiling, i poured myself a bowel of coco-pops and sat at the breakfast bar eating them. Once i finished, i made myself a cup of tea and took it to the bedroom. I brushed the knots out my hair and tied it back, threw on my work uniform and drank my tea. When i was ready, i got my bag, phone and jacket and left the apartment for a busy day at work.

I made my way out of the building and onto the pavement. As usual, i plugged in my headphones and listened to music as i walked to work. When i arrived, i realised i was the only own here. I sighed. Once again i had been left to open up and start the day on my own, with no help what-so-ever. I unlocked the door and changed the 'closed' sign to 'open'. I set my bag and jacket down in the back room and pulled on my apron. I then sat at the counter with my magazine and phone, waiting for the reglular morning customers to arrive.

* * *

As the day went on, i serverd new customers, old customers, and the odd regular's too. I was still on my own by this point and it was getting quite busy at lunch so it was hard for me to keep up with all the orders, but i managed it in the end. I have just one hour left until i can leave and get ready for tonight. Its literally the only thing i've been thinking about all day.

We haven't spoken much today either..he's probably busy with the band so i understand that he can't text me. I heard the door to the cafe open. I thought it would just be someone wanting a coffee so i didn't bother looking up to see who they were.

"what can i get for you?" I turned round to grab a mug and filled it up partly with milk.

"i don't want anything, just to give you these." I instantly turned around to see Tom stood there with a small bunch of flowers, he was smiling the most adorable smile. I smiled at him.

"they're for me?" i took the flowers out his hands and smelled them. "mm..they're gorgeous Tom, thank-you." i kissed his cheek and smiled again.

"don't mention it.." he smiled and watched me walk to the back room to put them with my stuff. I walked back out and sat back at the counter.

"you sure you don't want anything? coffee..tea..a cookie?" I watched him. He shook his head.

"nah i'm good..i was hoping you was nearly finished? we can walk back to the apartments together if you want.." i thought about it for a while.

"i'd rather walk alone." I teased and he looked at me mock horror which made me giggle. "sure, i'd love to walk back with you." i looked at the time. 6:27 pm. Just three more minutes and i can leave. I stood from my chair and walked to the door. I changed the sign to 'closed' and made my way back to the counter. "i'm just gonna get my things, wait here for me?" i smiled sweetly and wondered off to the back room and gathered my things and the flowers. I met Tom at the entrance to the cafe and we walked out together, I locked up and we made our way back to the apartment building.

We walked up to my floor and stopped at my door. I unlocked the door and looked at Tom.

"you wanna come in? I won't take long to get ready..promise." he smiled and nodded. We walked into my apartment and closed the door. "you want a drink?" i switched the kettle on and hung my jacket up on the peg by the door.

I finally got the boyband boyfriend I had always dreamt of havingWhere stories live. Discover now