Part 7

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I'm sorry for the late upload, once again. I've been preparing for school and haven't found the time to write the next part so I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Also, I start school on Thursday so I won't be uploading as much. Maybe once or twice a week, three if you're lucky. But I've made this part a little longer, not a lot happens but theres deifinitely a cliff enjoy :-)

jess xxx

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“Leave your message after the tone.” I rolled my eyes. That asshole has ignored my phone call, again. I hung the phone up and threw it down onto the counter at work. Tom hasn’t contacted me for a week. One week. The last I saw or heard from him was when he promised he would eventually ask me for something serious between us. I was starting to think that maybe he had regretted what he said to me and that’s the reason he wasn’t speaking. But then again, he is a boy band known worldwide so I had to think logical about the situation.

It’s Saturday night and once again I am sat in the café, alone. Working my ass off to pay the rent…well I say working my ass off but what I really mean is sitting behind the counter reading my magazine and being bored stiff-less until someone asks for cake or a coffee.

My thoughts drifted back to the reasons why Tom had chosen to ignore my lately. He had been tweeting fans all week, and the others boys have said they’re doing some work in the studio, but as far as I’m aware, Tom hasn’t been busy. I would have thought I’d bump into him at some point considering we live in the same building, but no. Nothing.

I heard someone clear their throat, clearly trying to get my attention. I looked up to find a customer waiting to be served. I applied that fake smile of mine and asked the same thing I had been asking repeatedly.

“What can I get for you?”

“Coffee please…” the man nodded and watched me as I stood from my seat. He was obviously in a rush and I was still pissed about the whole Tom not interacting with me thing so  Iproceeded to be slow in my movements, which meant taking as long as possible to serve this man his coffee.

* * *

I flopped down onto the sofa with a tub of ice cream and the remote for the telly. I decided that rather than going out of my way and making an effort to discover why Tom wasn’t talking to me, I would spend the night curled up watching movies and eating as much junk food as my body could consume. If he wasn’t going to make the effort, then why should I? And with that thought, I shoved a spoonful of toffee ice cream into my mouth.

I jumped at the sudden coldness and forgot that ice cream was in fact stored in a freezer. Dumbass. I had chosen to watch Marley and Me, bad move my friend. The first time I watched this film I had started crying when the opening credits started rolling across the screen, just because I knew what was going to happen at the end. I ended up blubbing through the whole film, and my Mum got so fed up with the tears that she refused to let me have it on DVD.

My phone buzzed beside me and I looked down at it to see I had received a new message. I unlocked the phone and read the ID. Tom P. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before reading the message.

From Tom P: can we talk? At mine…in like…actually can you come round now? I know I have A LOT of explaining to do, so if you’re mad then please release your anger before you arrive? X

I have to admit, the text did make me giggle a bit. We’d known each other a good few months now and he already became aware of things that pissed me off.

I finally got the boyband boyfriend I had always dreamt of havingWhere stories live. Discover now