Part 5

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I woke up to someone banging on the front door so I rolled out of bed. I looked in the mirror and quickly fixed my hair so I looked presentable. I still had dried tears on my cheeks and I was in the same clothes as last night. But to be honest, I didn’t care. I looked at the time and realised I had to be at work in an hour…I didn’t feel like going in today. I didn’t feel like doing anything. All I can think about is what Tom said last night. The hurt has died down a bit now but I still felt a small pain in my heart every time my brain replayed the words. I was ready to take a step further…but no…You’re not ‘ready’.

My thoughts were interrupted from whoever it was still banging on the door. I made way down the hall; unhooked the latch and pulled the door open. There he was. I just stood there staring at him. Something was telling me to close the door and walk away but something else was saying ‘let him in. listen to what he has to say first.’ So I took a deep breath and spoke. “What are you doing here Tom?” he looked at me. My voice was croaky and it was obvious I spent most of last night crying. He swallowed.

“Can I come in? I want to talk…I’ll make you a coffee? You look like you need one…” he gave me a sympathetic smile. I reluctantly stepped aside so he could walk in. I closed the door behind us and followed him into the kitchen. I sat down at the breakfast bar and watched him prepare us both a drink. When he finished making them, he brought them over to the breakfast bar and placed my mug in front of me before sitting down on the stool directly opposite. He took a deep breath. “Jess…I am so sorry.” I stayed looking down, staring at the coffee. I could feel his eyes watching me. “I know what I said hurt you…I was thinking over everything last night when you left…I understand that you’re not ready for anything serious right now…that’s okay, because I can wait.”  He put his hand on my knee and gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked up at him.

“You don’t have to wait. I never said I wasn’t ready for anything serious…I meant I wasn’t ready for what was going to happen after the kiss went further.” I was speaking quietly, Tom was still watching me. I looked back down at my coffee and took a sip. I could feel my eyes filling with tears again but I quickly blinked them away.

“Oh…you’re not ready for sex? I completely understand…I mean, like you said last night…we’re not even an item.” He was watching me again. He was moving his thumb round in circular motions on my knee. It made me relax a little. I slowly looked up at him.

“Tom…” I took a deep breath, and then shook my head. “N-no, actually it doesn’t matter…I need to get ready for work.” I stood up quickly and started walking towards my room. I heard him stand and he grabbed my hand before I could leave the room.

“Jess, tell me…it’s okay, I came here to listen.” He held my other hand and entwined our fingers. He was looking into my eyes now and I couldn’t help but gaze back into his. He pushed some loose strands of hair behind my ear. “Call in sick. Tell them you don’t feel like going in today, and I promise I will fix this between us.” I nodded lightly. He handed me his phone and I dialled the number for work. I told them I was ill and they said I can have today off. I gave Tom back his phone and looked down at the floor. Next thing I know I’m being taken to my room. He sat me down on my bed and opened by draw. He pulled out one of my oversized t-shirts and threw it to me. “Put this on…and then we’ll talk.” He kissed my forehead softly before walking out and pulling the bedroom door too.

I quickly and quietly changed into the oversized t-shirt. I then changed into some clean knickers and pulled on some clean socks and my boot slippers. I went into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water and walked into the front room where Tom was sat on the sofa. I sat at the opposite end to him. I pulled my legs onto the sofa and rested my arm on the arm rest. Once again I could feel his eyes watching me.

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