Part 12

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After two weeks of promotional radio tours, interviews, photo shoots and gigs, there was just one week left to spend in America. The boys management promised that if they work hard for the next few weeks then they can have the last week left to do anything they wanted before heading home back to the UK, and boy did they work hard for a week off.

I went to every interview, gig, radio station, and photo shoot with them. Tom had said that if I go with them but kept quiet and didn’t draw attention to myself then he would treat to me shopping sprees, and meals, things like that. He was honestly the sweetest.

It was half way through the last week in America. Everyone was off doing their own thing. Me and Tom decided to stay at the hotel today and go for a swim and get cocktails and ice cream later. The pool was massive, and deep. I knew I was small, but I didn’t think I was small enough to not be able to reach the bottom. It was a good job I could swim.

Tom and I were having a swim. He kept splashing me with water and tickling me. I couldn’t help but giggle and smile at how playful he was.

“Tom stop! It’s going in my eyes!” I giggled. He swam over to me.

“Don’t worry, I’ll stop.” He smiled.

“How can I be so sure?” he edged a little closer to me, my breathing started to speed up. I could feel his breath on my face.

“Like I said, trust me.” His lips brushed against mine, he winked at me and swam off. I just stood there in the water, my mouth hanging open at the lust I felt for him.

He stepped out the pool and grabbed his towel of the sun lounger. He turned to me and smirked before walking off inside. I quickly swam to the edge and got out, grabbing my towel and running inside after him. Just as I reached out to grab his hand, I slipped on some water and tumbled to the ground with a thud, yelping in the process. Tom spun round and gasped when he saw me on the floor. My vision started to blur and I felt dizzy and sick.

“Jess? Babe what happened?” he knelt down by my side and held my hand, brushing the hair out of my face. My eyes started to feel droopy and my eyelids were becoming too heavy to hold open. I slowly started to close my eyes; Tom was panicking next to me. I could hear him talking but it sounded like he was miles away. I think he said something along the lines off “It’s okay, I’ll take you upstairs and I’ll sort you out.”

* * *

I woke up on the bed in our hotel room. I had a cold flannel placed on my forehead and there was a bottle of water on my pillow. Tom had dressed me in one of his t-shirts and left the window open. I guessed he was out, I couldn’t see him around anywhere. I laid back down with a groan and closed my eyes again.

“You’re awake.” I jumped up quickly, not expecting to see him sat at the end of the bed. He chuckled and crawled up so he was next to me. He took the flannel of my head and pulled a face. “There’s a bruise, and the lump is pretty big…but I’m sure the swelling will go down soon.” Bruise? Swelling? What was he talking about?

“What are you talking about?” I sat up properly and rubbed my forehead, wincing when I touched a certain area of it.

“Don’t you remember? You was running for me and slipped…you bumped your head on the way down.” He looked at me.

“Oh…” Was all I could say. I must have fallen pretty hard if I can’t even remember doing it. The last thing I remember was Tom walking inside and me running for him, the rest was just a blur after that. That probably explains the lump forming on my forehead. I looked up at him. “How long was I out?”

“Few hours…so a while.” he shrugged.

“Sorry…you probably wanted to go out didn’t you?”

“No, its fine…I told you I’d spend this week with you.” He smiled and kissed the lump on my head. “I’ll order some pizza and a movie; you get yourself ready for bed.” I stood up slowly and made my way to the chest of drawers. I pulled out my pyjamas and slipped of the t-shirt and my bikini, quickly pulling on my pyjama bottoms and vest without Tom seeing my body.

When the pizza arrived, we sat on the sofa watching the film. Tom started feeding me some of his slice, so I returned the favour and fed him some of mine. I kept getting really bad head aches and it was making me distant from him. I wanted to pay attention to the film and what Tom was saying to me but I just couldn’t help but block out all the words. I felt bad because he probably thought I was ignoring him, but my head was pounding so hard that it wasn’t easy to concentrate.

I waved a hand at him, telling him to stop speaking. I sat up on the edge of the sofa and winced at the pain that shot through my head.

“Babe…are you alright?” Tom sat up next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeezed.

“My head hurts so much; I keep getting headaches and this strong pain shooting through my head.” I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes tight, wishing the pain to leave.

“Come on, I think it’s time you got some sleep.” He carefully picked me up and placed me under the covers of the big king sized bed. He switched the telly off and climbed in next to me, putting his hand on my hip and pulling closer to him so he could wrap his arms round me from behind. I closed my eyes and snuggled my head into the pillow, hoping that by tomorrow all this pain would be gone and I could have nice week with Tom before we went home.

* * *

It was hopeless. Four hours I’ve been laying here trying to sleep and I couldn’t. Every time I closed my eyes that pain shot through my head and I had to open them again. Tom had been asleep the whole time. I felt bad because I wanted to wake him up and ask him to send me to sleep, but I didn’t want to disturb him.

I slowly stood from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. Hopefully a shower or something will help the pain. I striped from my clothes and stepped into the shower after turning the water to the right temperature. I stood under the water and let it run over body. I started washing my hair. I know it was like, what? Three o’clock in the morning? But sleep sounded amazing right now and I was determined to do anything to make myself sleepy.

When I finished in the shower, I stepped out and towelled dried my hair. I had spent at least thirty minutes in there and the water seemed to have made the pains stop. I pulled on my pyjamas again and walked back into the bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for my hair to be a little dryer before I started to try and sleep again. I looked down and saw Tom’s hands snaking round my waist. He pulled me into chest.

“Your hairs wet.” He frowned in confusion, obviously having just woken up.

“Mhmm…I can’t sleep, so I washed my hair.” I shrugged as if it was a normal thing to do. He chuckled in my ear quietly and kissed my cheek.

“Try and sleep now…I’ll keep you safe don’t worry.” He whispered. I nodded in response and turned over so I was facing his chest. I snuggled down and closed my eyes, finally finding myself slowly drifting off into a much needed sleep.

* * *

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Only something little happens but hopefully it made the story a little more interesting. The next chapter they’ll be back home, as this is a short story there won’t be loads of chapters so I’m hoping to wrap the ending up soon. I’ve been having ideas for a new story, but it might take me a while to get the plot together so I know where I’ll be going with each chapter. Comment, fan and enjoy :-)

jess xxx

I finally got the boyband boyfriend I had always dreamt of havingWhere stories live. Discover now