Part 6

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy but I hope everyone thats reading is enjoying the story. It's the first one I've wrote so if you guys could promote it, fan and comment, that would be great :-)

jess xxx

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-Tom’s P.O.V-

I rolled over in Jess’ bed and rubbed my eyes, squinting as I caught a glimpse of the sunlight shining through the crack in the curtains. I sat up and looked over at Jess. She was still sleeping, and she looked even more beautiful when she was asleep…like sleeping beauty I suppose. I smiled to myself and stood up out the bed. I pulled on my jeans from yesterday and walked round to her side of the bed. I softly kissed her forehead before walking into the kitchen and switching the kettle on. I looked at the time, 7:45. She had at least forty-five minutes before she needed to be at work. I rolled my eyes at the thought of having to spend the day without her. I just wish she’d give in already and tell me that she has feelings for me. I know how she feels, I can see it by the way she looks at me and how she giggles when she gets embarrassed because of something I done or said to her. But at the moment, according to her, our relationship is staying on the friends level. I sighed quietly and made us both a coffee.

When I went back to her bedroom to wake her up, she wasn’t in bed. I heard the water running in the shower and knew she was in there. I walked up to the bathroom door and knocked on it softly. “Jess, there’s a coffee in the kitchen for you Hun…I need to get dressed so I’ll be back in a minute alright?”

“Okay…thank-you!” I heard her reply. I took my coffee and walked out her apartment up to mine to get ready for the day ahead.

-Jess’ P.O.V-

I finished in the shower just after Tom left. I stepped out and wrapped the soft towel around my body and walked into the kitchen. I put two slices of bread in the toaster and sipped on the coffee Tom had made me. When the toast popped up, I buttered it and started taking a few bites. I hadn’t heard the door open or close, so when I turned round and saw Tom standing there, I jumped.

“Jesus Tom! Ever heard of knocking?” I put my hand where my heart was to show he had scared me. He was stood there smirking, obviously trying to hold in his laughter. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the breakfast bar. I saw him watching me out the corner of his eye so I turned to him. “What are you watching me for?”

“Just admiring the beauty that stands before me.” I felt the heat on my cheeks rising. He smirked again and pointed out that I was only in my towel. I went bright red with embarrassment and ran out to my room. I could him bursting into fits of laughter, as I pulled on my underwear and work uniform. I walked back out to the kitchen and glared at him playfully.

“Hate you.” I stuck by tongue out at him and finished of my toast and coffee before grabbing my bag and keys.

“Love you too.” He kissed my cheek gently and grabbed his things from last night. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face when he said those three words. I looked up when he walked back in. “I’m picking you up at seven so don’t be late.”

“Umm…and why’s that?” I raised my eyebrow at him. We hadn’t arranged to do anything…had we?

“Because I’m taking you out for dinner.” He smiled at me. “So don’t take forever getting ready.” He winked and hugged me quick before leaving and heading to the studio.

* * *

Work wasn’t very busy today. There was the odd group of college kids or families popping in for lunch but other than that we were pretty quiet. I spent most the day picking at my nails or cleaning the same tables over and over again to try and make time pass a bit quicker. I was excited for the date with Tom tonight…I think it was a date anyway.

I made my way back to my apartment and walked straight into my bedroom. I pulled open my wardrobe and scanned the many clothes I had. I picked out a black lace skater dress that fell just above my knee and some nude colour heels. I washed my hair over the bath and air-dried it so the natural curls showed. I pulled back my fringe with some booby pins and pulled on tonight’s chosen outfit. I checked myself in the mirror and thought that I looked quite nice tonight. I looked at the time. 6:57. Just enough time left to grab my clutch and wait by the door.

I heard footsteps outside my apartment and decided it was Tom coming down the stairs to pick me up. I opened the door before he got there and smiled shyly up at him. My god he looked flawless. He had chosen to wear black skinny jeans, white converse and his white Mick Jagger t-shirt. I can honestly say that he looked HOT.

“You look pretty…” he smiled at me and I nodded to him.

“You scrub up well.” I teased. We both shared a laugh for a moment. “So…are you going to take me out for dinner or are we just gonna stand in my doorway for the evening?” He took my hand and lead me down the stairs and out the apartment building. A goofy smile spread across my face from his touch, sending tingles down my spine at how soft his hands were.

He helped me into the taxi and told the driver where to take us. Tom’s knee brushed against mine a few times on the way, causing me to blush and let out little giggles. They made me more embarrassed and I kept getting strange looks from Tom. I felt so nervous. I mean, its not like we had only just met…because we’ve known each other for at least two to three months now, and we had met up a few times as friends…but tonight felt different. It felt like we were going on our first date, and I had feeling Tom might ask me to be more than just his friend. Butterflies grew in my stomach as we grew closer and closer to our destination.

* * *

“Did you enjoy your meal?” Tom asked as we were walking along the pavement up to the apartment building. I was looking down at my feet and nodded.

“Yeah…thank-you.” I smiled at him. “But not as much as I enjoyed your company.” I kissed his cheek softly, making him blush a little. I giggled to myself inside. Our hands kept brushing against each other’s. All I wanted to do was hold his and feel the warmth radiating off of him. 

“Cute…” he laughed lightly. We made our way up to the first floor where I lived. I turned the key and opened the front door.

“You want to come in?” I slipped my heels of and waited for a reply. I smiled at him shyly. He nodded at me and walked in, he had his hands in his pockets. He walked into the front room and sat down on the sofa. I followed and sat next to him. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while before Tom turned to me and started speaking.

“You seemed nervous tonight…like you knew something was gonna happen.” He watched me carefully. I guess I knew now why he had been watching me intently the whole night. I sunk down in my seat a little and shrugged.

“I um…tonight felt like, err…to me it feels like tonight is…” I couldn’t find the words to explain what I felt tonight was like. He watched me still. I could tell he had noticiced my body language changing. I went from smart and formal, to shy and nervous.

“Tonight felt like…what Jess?” he asked, curiosity clear in his words.

“I felt like tonight was our first date…and I thought you was going to ask me something specific but you didn’t. And I was nervous because of the thing you might have asked…” I looked up at him. “But now I just feel stupid for thinking you actually wanted something serious between us.” I looked down at me lap and sighed quietly. Tom put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head to look at him. He softly kissed me on the lips.

 "Eventually I will ask Jess...just give it time and everything will fall into place." He looked into my eyes. "I promise."

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