Part 2

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It's been at least a month since i met the boys. Tom's still been direct messaging me on twitter and the other boys tweeted on my birthday as they promised..but i hadn't managed to meet them again. Tom would tell me where their meeting fans or where the next gig would be, but it was either to far from where i live or it was money issues. I moved out of my parents house when i was sixteen. I didn't enjoy living there and i needed my own space. So i got a summer job and saved up for an apartment..but this groggy flat was the cheapest thing on the it had to do. I decorated it all pink and girly, with fluffy cushions and fairy lights round the ceilings..i enjoyed living here a lot. Bad news is i have to find somewhere else.

I got a call last week from my boss telling me i've been sacked..which means i have no money and i'm literally living of crisps sandwiches. I can't afford to live in Nottingham anymore so I decided to look around London. I found a nice location, good sized apartment for what i was looking for and it was already furnished so all i had to do is pack up and move in. So thats where i am now.

I found a job in the local's not much but it pays the bills and i can eat with what i have left after so i'm doing well. I haven't told Tom yet though..they've been busy promoting in America and he hasn't had time to look at this dm's. With work i haven't really found the time to go on twitter anymore..i'm working long hours from morning to evening everyday..apart from sunday's which is the only day of i get every week.

* * *

I rolled over in bed and slowly opened my eyes. i smiled sleepily knowing i had the whole day to do anything i wanted to. I climbed out of bed and stretched. I grabbed a towel and made my way to the en-suite bathroom i had in my room. I turned the shower on and shimmyed out of my pyjamas and stepped under the water fall of warmth. I washed my hair, and my body and was done within fifteen minutes. I wrapped the soft towel around my body and wrapped my hair up in another. I walked into the bedroom and pulled out some white skinny jeans, a white vest top and a pale pink knitted crop jumper. I pulled on my underwear and todays chosen outfit. I then dug out my converse and pulled on a pair of socks and the shoes. I towel dried my hair, tied it up in a messy up do and left the apartment after grabbing my keys, bag, phone and sun glasses. As i left the flat, i bumped into someone, dropping my keys.

"sorry..i didn't see you there." spoke a strong bolton accent. Wait a minute..i know that voice!

"no's fault, honestly." he bent down to get my keys and looked at me, realising who i was. i took of my sun glasses and smiled. "hi Tom.."

"hi..?" he looked confused. "i thought you lived in Nott-" i cut him off.

"i moved here like a week ago..i forgot to tell you, and i didn't know you were back from america." i smiled apologetically. "anyway, why are you here?"

"i live up on the next floor..above you i spose?" he smiled brightly, probably happy that we lived near eachother now. "you busy today?" I shook my head.

"nope..was just gonna look around the shops i guess.." I smiled as he watched me.

"you wanna go for a coffee? i mean..don't you think i've waited long enough to see you again?" he teased and i giggled.

"you know i couldn't afford it.." guilt washed over me. "but the coffee sounds great." I smiled at him.

* * *

"so what made you move to London then?" Tom asked from across the table, sipping on his coffee and watching me. I shrugged.

"the flats here are cheaper..theres more jobs, and..i like London." i nodded and smiled. I looked down at my hands on the table nervously.

"why are you nervous? its just me..Tom Parker." he smiled soothingly.

"yeah..Tom Parker..boyband member, millions of fans..and your sat having a coffee with lonely ol' me." i shrugged my shoulders slightly and continued looking down. Suddenly he grabbed my hands across the table.

"listen..i'd rather be sat here with you than meeting screaming fans across the world right're have that something about you that separates you from the rest." his touch sent tingles down my spine..the words he spoke were so genuine, and the smile he gave was too. I smiled shyly.

"thanks." i sipped my coffee and watched him. "so.."

"give me your phone." he smiled, and i did as he asked.

"why?" i watched him carefully, after a few minutes he handed me back my mobile, showing that he had saved his number into it. I looked up at him. "i'll text you my number later.." and i nodded.

"speaking of you like pizza and movies?"

" it, thats a normal night in for me." i giggled and took a sip of my coffee again. I saw Tom smile when i giggled, which made me blush.

"you free tomorrow night? you can pop round if you like..i know a good pizza place and have loads of films." he smiled and i nodded.

"sounds perfect.." like you. "i'll be there." i smiled at him.

"it's a date then." he returned the smile and stood from his chair. "i best be going now..i have work to do at the studio..don't forget to text me." he kissed my cheek and left.Almost straight away i texted him my number.

To Tom P: guess who? ;-) make sure you save the number..see you tomorrow parker :-) x

I wasn't expecting a reply anytime soon, so i slipped my phone into my bag and left with my coffee in hand and headed back to my apartment.

* * *

I spent most of that evening eating pot noddle, curled up on the sofa watching Jeremy Kyle. Tom had replied to my text and we were talking most the night until one of us decided to go to bed. I honestly didn't think that after loving the band for nearly three years would turn out by me having Tom Parker's number, living in the same apartment building and arranging pizza and movies nights with him. He's the one i had loved from the start, and to be life is perfect right now.

I climbed into bed after Tom had said he's going to sleep. I set my alarm for 7am the next morning and switched my lamp off. And with that, i fell asleep..thinking of him.

I finally got the boyband boyfriend I had always dreamt of havingWhere stories live. Discover now