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Hey guys! So this is actually a really exciting piece - it's a collaboration between fakeempires (literally my favorite Yelich fit writer) and I. We're planning on posting once or twice a week. Fakeempires is writing all the odd numbered chapters, and I will write the even numbered ones.

You're in for a ride, so buckle up.


"Hey babe, we should get going. We're going to be late for our reservation!" Christian shouted from the living room, where he was comfortably sprawled out on the couch.

His wife, Amelia, heard him loud and clear from the nursery where she was attempting to change their six-month-old son, Nathaniel. He was being fussier than usual and wasn't super interested in changing into an actual outfit; he was too contented in his dinosaur onesie. "I'm trying, Chris!" she shouted back.

"Sorry for yelling," she whispered softly to the baby before kissing his exposed tummy. This small act from his mama caused him to smile, huge hazel eyes sparkling.

Christian got to his feet, finally deciding to join the battle. He smiled from the entrance to the nursery, as he watched Amelia finish changing their son. "You look beautiful, Amelia," he commented. And she did. Her dress fit her tall, curvy body perfectly, and she had even put makeup on for the first time in a while. She looked great without it, too, but he wanted her to feel extra sexy tonight. He had ideas. Big, big plans.

Amelia took a deep breath, satisfied with her work. "Thank you," she replied with a smile. "You don't look so bad yourself." It was rare to see Christian in anything but athleisure unless they were going to a major event that involved a red carpet. She appreciated that he dressed up for a date night. It made her feel like he cared. With all the road trips and celebrity, sometimes she needed to be reminded. She was generally secure and confident, but being the wife of a professional athlete could get the best of anyone on occasion.

Christian approached the changing table. He picked up his son before giving his wife a gentle kiss on the lips. "Let's get going. I've been looking forward to this for weeks."

She nodded and took a final glance around the room to make sure they weren't leaving behind any important baby items; she didn't want to forget anything for the Shaws, who were kind enough to baby-sit for the evening. "All right, let's head out."

"Finally," Christian said with a smirk.


"You're being quite the gentleman tonight," Amelia informed Christian as he pulled out her chair for her. "It's almost like you're working toward something."

Christian laughed. "I'm always a gentleman, right?"

"Oh, yeah, always," she said with a giggle.

"Remember when I fingered you under the table at the ESPYS? That was incredibly gentlemanly." Christian flashed her a bright, toothy smile.

"Almost as gentlemanly as the time we had sex in Jonah's closet," she replied.

Christian always frowned slightly when he heard Jonah's name, but he tried hard not to this time. He didn't want to ruin the flow of conversation. "I don't know if I can get away with fingering you here. Everyone is definitely looking at us."

Her eyes darted around the restaurant. He was right. Everyone was looking at them – more specifically, him. When you were a big-time athlete in a small market, you couldn't get away with much. At the ESPYS, he was a somebody surrounded by other somebodys. That wasn't the case at a restaurant in Milwaukee.

"How about we eat quickly and stop at home before picking up Nathaniel?" she suggested.

"You read my mind." Christian's voice was lower than it was before, and she couldn't help but wish they were already done eating.


He was already handsy in the parking garage of their condo, grabbing her ass as they made their way inside the building. By the time they were in the elevator, he had her pressed up against a wall. She moaned as his large, skillful hands began to wander up her dress. He stifled the sound quickly when his tongue entered her mouth.

When the elevator chimed, he removed himself from her before the door opened. He stood next to her and held her hand, so anyone in the hallway wouldn't think they were up to anything. They'd assume wrong.

As soon as they were safely in their apartment, Christian slammed the door behind them. "Bedroom. Now," he directed firmly after kissing her passionately. He urged her forward by placing a hand on the small of her back.

Once in the bedroom, he wasted no time. He tossed his suit jacket off before standing behind her and tantalizingly unzipping her dress. She stepped out of it and turned to face him. "Perfect," he whispered. And he meant it.

Christian covered her face in soft, gentle kisses, and she shut her eyes tightly in response. He slowly trailed the kisses lower. When he arrived at her cleavage, he reached around her body, undid her bra, and then dexterously removed it. "Much better," he teased before continuing his trail.

When his mouth found her nipples, she couldn't stop herself from moaning. In her want, she began to back them toward the bed. She sat down on the edge and waited for Christian to join her. He got the hint and removed the rest of his clothes, while she impatiently waited for him. "You were so quick to get my clothes off of me," she taunted when he struggled with the buttons on his shirt.

"I still have more work to do," he murmured and gestured at her panties. She giggled before backing herself further onto the bed. He finally followed her lead and joined her on the mattress.

He crawled on top of her and their lips connected again while his fingers tugged at her underwear. "These are coming off," he whispered into her ear before moving down her body.

"Shit," she gasped as he smoothly pulled her panties off. She gasped even louder when he buried his face between her legs and started to work. Fuck, I missed this, she thought to herself as his tongue swirled against her nub. She ran both of her hands through his thick, dark hair, and that only urged him to work even harder. She could feel her legs starting to shake, a tell-tale sign she was close to the edge. "Baby, oh, fuck, baby," she whimpered as Christian flicked her clit even more aggressively.

She had no time to recover from her pleasure because Christian decided to continue it by immediately slamming his hard cock deep inside of her.

Regardless, she was ready for him, as she brought her legs up to help him get even deeper inside of her. She bit down on his shoulder to stop herself from screaming, and Christian couldn't help but smile. He knew he was good at this.

"Cum in me, baby," she managed to get out.

Her words encouraged him to fuck her harder, and it didn't take him long to fill her up and collapse on top of her. "Wow," he said with a big, cheesy grin after a few seconds of recovery.

"Wow," she repeated.

"I love you," he added, the big, cheesy grin still on his face.

"I love you too. So. Much," she said, matching his smile.

"How about one more round before heading to the Shaws?"

"You read my mind," she agreed, and Christian instantly rolled over and helped her get comfortable on top of him.

Riptide: A Christian Yelich StoryWhere stories live. Discover now