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He wanted Amelia to think he knew what he was doing – that he was a pro at being a dad – but his little boy's nose was completely stuffed up . . . and he didn't know what to do to help him. Worried, he considered texting his wife while she was at work. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He wanted so badly to impress her, although he wasn't exactly sure why.

He called his mom, Alecia, instead, and he followed her instructions closely.

Amelia had the foresight to pack everything Christian needed in Nathaniel's diaper bag. Of course she did. She made being a parent look effortless, and Christian was starting to realize he had taken some of her hard work for granted. She was incredible . . . And she had looked so beautiful when he handed her the coffee.

Stop it. You have to figure this out.

He held his fussy baby in his arms. Alecia had suggested a warm bath, so the moisture trapped in the bathroom could aid in decongestion. He grabbed Nathaniel's carrier, a few necessary supplies from the diaper bag, and brought both his son and the carrier into his bedroom. Christian placed his son in the carrier while he quickly changed into swimming trunks. He didn't have a baby bath, so he figured he'd just get in the tub with him. Amelia used to do it all the time, so he could give it a try, too.

He filled the tub with a bit of warm water – not too hot, not too cold. He got into the tub first and then reached over the side of the tub to grab Nate out of the carrier. Amelia had once informed him that it was safest to get into the tub first, so you didn't slip with the baby in your arms. She was a supermom. She really was. She knew everything.

Nathaniel giggled when he made contact with the water. He loved bath time; Christian just never really took the time to notice just how much he loved it. Christian lathered him with the Burt's Bees Baby Shampoo & Wash Amelia had packed – careful not to get any in his bright hazel eyes.

Christian made whale noises all the while, which made his perfect baby laugh harder than Christian had ever hear him laugh. God, it felt good to spend time with him. He was the best thing in his now shitty, lonely life.

When Christian was finished rinsing his son's thick, dark hair, hair that would probably one day match his own, he wrapped him up in a towel and dried him off, proud that he managed to make his sick, fussy baby content for a short while.

He wondered if Amelia would have been proud of him, too.


Around noon the next day, Christian dropped Nathaniel off for a half day of childcare – just like Amelia had asked him to do via text.

He wanted to see her again. He wanted to talk to her again. He wanted to hold her again. And he'd be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he wanted to fuck her again.

His heart dropped a bit when he realized he wasn't going to get another chance at a face-to-face meeting.


Christian was returning to the dugout from his pre-game stretching routine when he noticed her in the WAGs section. Nathaniel was sitting upright in his lap with headphones on, and she was chatting with Lindy, who was holding Ryann in her lap. Why didn't she tell him that she'd be here? Not that he wasn't happy about it. He definitely was.

He went 4-for-4 and was all smiles after the game. Deep down, he knew the success was because of her, but he wouldn't say that aloud.

"Nice game, buddy," Travis nudged his friend as they made their way to the clubhouse. It was their first real exchange in a while. There was no angry glaring this time. Just a genuine 'job well done.'

"Thanks." He was beaming – partially because he finally snapped out of it at the plate and partially because he hoped he'd get a chance to talk to his wife after the game. Fuck, she looked so good in that blouse yesterday morning. What he'd give to tear it off of her . . .

After showering and changing, he was feeling even more excited about seeing his girl. Maybe he'd go home with her, and they'd spend the night together. Just maybe.

Exiting the clubhouse, he saw Travis, Lindy, and Ryann, but his wife and son were nowhere in sight. "Where's Mils?" he asked Travis casually – not wanting to let him know that he cared too much.

"She went home at the top of the eighth. Nathaniel is still a little under the weather, so she wanted to get him settled in for bed. She wanted me to tell you 'good game,' though." Lindy offered her husband's best friend a small smile.

Good game? She was his wife, his insanely beautiful, smart, sexy wife, and all she had for him was 'good game?'

"Cool, thanks," he told Lindy and Travis half-heartedly. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

And then he made his way to his car. Alone.

Riptide: A Christian Yelich StoryWhere stories live. Discover now