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Christian was half asleep, Nathaniel sleeping on his chest and happily clinging to his dad, when Amelia came in and borderline slammed the door.

"Mils? Baby girl, what's wrong?" Christian said softly and laid Nathaniel in the Pack n Play before taking her hand and wiping her eyes. Don't make assumptions. Just be there for her. He was repeating that to himself, knowing that getting upset wouldn't be helpful in that situation.

"H-he..." Amelia sniffed and wiped her eyes, stupid hormones, and curled in Christian's arms. "He saw that I'm pregnant. Then it seemed like he wasn't my friend anymore. He was disappointed in me and he called them spawn... He hates you so much that he doesn't want to treat me like a friend anymore," her emotions were clouding everything. She wanted nothing but support and happiness. She wants her babies to be born into a happy world.

"Oh, Amelia. My dear, sweet Amelia," Christian said softly and guided her to the bed and got on his knees in front of her. "Listen to me, baby. Look me in the eyes."

His tone was so gentle and kind, despite the fact that he was so pissed at Jonah. Amelia needed comforting. So, when Amelia moved her beautiful hazel eyes to look into his own warm brown ones, that's exactly what he did.

"He has every right to be mad at me," he started firmly, gently laying his finger over her lips when she began to protest. "He does. I was awful to you. For an entire year. I did unspeakable things and, worst of all, I left you. He was there for you. He saw how much I hurt you. He was there to hold you when you lost our baby and I wasn't there. Everything he is feeling, he has the right to feel." His eyes were full of emotion when he spoke about that year that affected them both so deeply.

"Chris... What're you saying? That he's right to be mad at me for taking you back?" Amelia was so confused. She thought that Christian would want to pummel him, not be on his side.

"No I'm not saying he's right to question your decisions. I'm saying that he's right to be mad at me. He loves you deeply, Mils. Not like I love you, but like a sister. But he hates seeing you hurting, and that's all he saw for a year. He's angry now and he said horrible things about you and our beautiful babies. But it's because he loves you. He's an amazing friend to you. Give him some time, okay? I fucked up so badly, my love. And you are a saint. I deserve his anger, but you don't deserve his words," Christian hoped he did that right. He's never been good at emotions.

Christian saw Amelia's face change and was concerned that she was going to slap him for a second before she launched herself and kissed him passionately, gripping her hands into his hair.

"Baby, you're upset still. Let me rub your feet while you calm down then we'll come back to this. I don't want to push you while you're upset," he said softly after she pulled him on top of her and started to undo his belt. He was hard as a rock, but he needed to make sure she was 100% aware.

"I love you. So much," Amelia whispered, tears drying.

"I love you, too. I love you all so very much," he grinned and laid two gentle kisses to her tiny tummy before giving her a foot rub. He knew that flying while pregnant was incredibly uncomfortable for her, and he knew that her feet got ridiculously swollen because of it.

It wasn't even 15 minutes later that she was pulling him up to her and kissing him softly. "I love you. You have been so patient, loving, and caring since the second I said you had a week. You have been everything I've needed in this pregnancy and more. I love you. And I want you to feel that with you," she said softly, her eyes completely sure.

"I love you, too," he smiled softly and gently lifted her shirt off and deftly removed her bra. "You are so so beautiful, my love."

Christian kissed down her chest and made sure that every inch of her body felt how much he loved her. He was getting warm in his hoodie, so he pulled it off and immediately went back to showing her love.

"I need you, Christian. Please," Amelia begged, shimmying her skirt and panties off.

"I'm here, my love," he promised, kissing along her inner thigh and absently pulling his jeans and boxers down. He was paying his full attention to Amelia, making sure that she was comfortable the entire time. "Tell me if I need to stop," he whispered and intently watched her nod before beginning to suck at and lick her clit, two long fingers plunging into her soaking wet core.

"Fuck. Christian. Fuck I'm not going to last. Please. I need you," she begged, letting out the most delectable gasps and moans.

Christian felt her get close to the edge before pulling off. "Are you ready?" he said softly, the head of his leaking cock already teasing her sensitive core.

"God yes. Please, baby. Please I need you," she whined and cried out in ecstasy when he gently thrust into her. "I love you. More than words."

The sheer emotion in her voice, the weight of her forgiveness, and the depth of her beauty all drove Christian to tears as he came closer to the edge. He made sure she came before thrusting twice and coming inside of her, nothing but love slipping past his lips.


Amelia's legs shook for what seemed like hours, and the whole time Christian was brushing her hair back and cleaning her off.

"I love you, sweet Amelia. Thank you for being so compassionate and gracious. Thank you for giving us a beautiful son and growing two beautiful babies. Thank you," he whispered over and over, alternating between kissing her belly and her lips.

"I love you, too. I love you so much. You're my everything," Amelia smiled back, running a hand through his hair.

Jonah could be disappointed if he chose, but she knew that Christian was working his ass off and she could see all the progress he was making. Her family was piecing itself back together.

Riptide: A Christian Yelich StoryWhere stories live. Discover now