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Amelia was looking forward to being 12 weeks pregnant because that's when the morning sickness would stop.

The morning sickness was gone. But so was her baby.

Those were the thoughts that occupied her mind at 5am. There was no sleeping to be done, and it was finally time for her to accept that. She got out of bed and looked down at the pool of blood on the towel she'd placed on the bed as to prevent staining the Shaws' sheets.

She felt a deep pang in her heart and shook it down, the wall she had managed to build up crumbling a bit at the foundation. Christian would be at their condo in 3 hours, and she needed to pack a bag for Nathaniel so she decided to leave. Hopefully before either of them woke up.

Amelia stepped into the shower and let the scorching hot water distract her from the blood staining the water pink. The doctor noted that she'd bleed similarly to a heavy period for 3 or so days.

3 or so days of constant and painful reminders of her failure. One of those days without the company of her sweet baby boy to keep her occupied.

She shut down those thoughts and her feelings when she got dressed and picked up Nathaniel, quietly going down the stairs and almost making it out the door before hearing a throat clear.

"Thought you would get to leave without a word?" Travis said softly from the couch, one eyebrow raised. "What's going on, Amelia?"

"Nothing important," she said softly, avoiding eye contact. "Christian wants to take Nathaniel for the day, so I want to get to the condo in time to pack a bag for him." She dodged it expertly, really not wanting to cause conflict. Travis and Christian were best friends, and Christian deserved to have friends.

"Mils... why did you need to go to the hospital? Are you okay? Is Nate?" Travis questioned gently, just immensely concerned about the woman he saw as his little sister.

"I was in pain but I'm fine, now. Really," Amelia assured him, unconsciously moving a hand to where a barely-noticeable pooch once held her baby.

Travis saw the movement and immediately understood, his heart dropping for Amelia. She didn't deserve all the shit she'd been put through this past month.

"Okay. You have a place here, okay? And we'll watch Nathaniel if you need to take some time to yourself," he said quietly, getting up and laying a hand on Amelia's cheek and looking into her eyes so she knew.

Amelia's face went bright red in embarrassment and she nodded before looking away. "I should get home. I... I don't think I should be alone while he has Nathaniel... Is it okay if I come back?" she asked, mad at herself for being so pathetic.

"I wasn't going to let you be alone, Amelia Grace. You're in pain and you need support. You are one of the strongest women I know, but no one is that strong. Come back here whenever he has Nathaniel, okay? You're wanted here," he assured her and gave her a gentle hug. "I'll pick you up at 9."

Amelia's eyes filled with tears and she nodded, wiping them and swallowing them down. "Thank you," she said quietly, pulling away and going out to her car, driving to the condo on autopilot.


By 7:58, Amelia had made breakfast for Nathaniel, changed him, put together a perfectly organized bag, and was now waiting nervously on her bed. She has been avoiding anything that would make her see Christian's face, so this was uncharted territory.

What will he do? What will she say? Nathaniel would be the happiest boy in the world, but she had the sinking suspicion that the upcoming interaction would only leave her with more pain and unanswered questions.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door... go time.


Christian sent the text and sighed. He missed his son so much. Every day away from Nathaniel felt like a stab to the gut.

He missed Amelia, too, more than words. But he didn't even want to think about that because he'd get weak and give in. He couldn't.

But goddamn did he miss Amelia's body. Her creamy skin, glistening with sweat as he thrust into her. The moans that drove him insane. The way her pussy stretched to fit him perfectly.

But he had to be strong. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door... go time.


Amelia opened the door, not looking Christian in his eyes.

"Hello. Here's his bag... I have 4 bottles in there, some diapers, and outfits. He's still teething but he's sleeping better," she handed him the bag and gave Nathaniel a hug and kiss, handing him to Christian. "Are... are you okay?" she asked him lowly, picking up her chocolate chip muffin and taking a bite. She loved Christian to no end. She needed to know that he was okay.

"You should probably hold back on those... it's showing," Christian avoided the topic, noting the little pudge Amelia had. "We leave for New York tomorrow at noon. I'll drop him off around 10." His reply was short, trying to keep his eyes off his stunning wife.

Amelia stopped her wall from crashing down just in time, her fist crushing the muffin in her hand. "Okay," she whispered and put the muffin on the counter, warming a little when she saw how tightly Nathaniel was clinging to Christian. That boy adored his dad. She couldn't be mad at him for being with his son.

After that, Christian left without another word. The sound of the door closing was deafening. She was alone. No husband. No son. No baby. She had nothing anymore. Why did she even bother? She thought to herself, intently looking at the knife block when Travis came in.

"Amelia. No," he said, gently shaking her.

Amelia looked over and crumpled, sinking to the floor in his arms and sobbing there for an hour. Her life was in shambles and now the wall she had built to avoid seeing it was too.

Riptide: A Christian Yelich StoryWhere stories live. Discover now