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A/N: Alright guys, this is the full last chapter! A short epilogue will be posted soon! Remember to check out fakeempires page for our newest story. And keep your eyes peeled for more!!


Amelia hoisted herself off of the couch, grunting a bit as she did so. She was nearing 36 weeks pregnant and she was absolutely ginormous. Lindy was coming over the next morning until the guys got home from their opening weekend road trip, so she knew she would have help... just one more day.

Amelia had felt off all day, but at this stage she was just happy to be able to stand.

"Hi pretty mama," Christian said through the phone, in his game gear. It was an hour before the game was supposed to start, but he made sure to FaceTime her before every game. "Are you feeling okay? I know that you have to be so uncomfortable. Just wait 3 more days, princess. I'll give you the best back rub ever."

Amelia gave him a small smile, not really having the energy to do much more. "I can't wait. I miss you more and more every day. I'm proud of you," she said softly, making both her and Nathaniel a PB&J. "You are going to be amazing today. Just like every day. We love you. So much."

"I love you, too. Are you sure you're okay? You look really pale, babe. Gorgeous, but really pale," he was instantly concerned.'

"I have a headache. Nate and I are just going to eat lunch and watch the game on the couch. I'll talk to you when you're done?" she asked softly, rubbing her side.

"The second I get to the clubhouse. Get some rest. Call your brother if you need help, okay? You know he'll be by your side instantly," he said sternly, worried sick about his baby girl.

"I will. Go get em, tiger," Amelia smiled and sat down after she hung up, clenching her fists as an intense contraction rocked through her body again. She had been writing them off as Braxton Hicks for the last hour or two, but that one was undeniable.



In the 4 hours the game ended up going, her contractions went from bad to worse. In fact, by the 6th inning they were 4 minutes apart and she just knew. These babies were coming. Soon. And she was completely alone.

She had called Alex, but he had traveled to Chicago for opening day. Which was also where Lindy happened to be. Thus, she was stuck calling an uber and begging her water not to break in the 15 minute ride to Mount Sinai.

Do not panic. I'm in labor. Please get home soon.

She texted Christian as she got in the uber. She was pummeled by 4 strong contractions in the car but she didn't make a peep, tears falling down her cheeks. She couldn't help but feel like she was close. Christian was going to miss this and it broke her heart. Mostly for Christian.

She got to the hospital and checked herself in, taking a deep breath as they checked her and told her she was 3 centimeters, but definitely in labor.

God she hoped Christian got there in time... she couldn't do this on her own.


It was a wild game, but the Brewers pulled off the 8-5 win, capped with a 3-run homer by Christian in the top of the 10th. He couldn't wait to call Amelia and talk about it. She was always so proud.

"Christian," Counsell found him before he could get to his locker. By the worried look in Counsell's eyes, he just knew.

"Amelia. Tell me right now if she's okay. If our babies are okay," he demanded, sheer fear written on his face. It was too early. It was another 2 weeks until she was induced. It was too early.

Riptide: A Christian Yelich StoryWhere stories live. Discover now