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Christian's new medication wasn't doing much to improve his ability to sleep, and he knew he had to get his shit together because he was leaving for Spring Training shortly.

And he was leaving without his wife, who was the only thing keeping him from his lowest low. With a little help from Nathaniel. She needed to stay in Milwaukee and rest. Her pregnancy was only going to get more difficult from this point forward, and he knew that. He saw it with their son.

But he absolutely hated the idea of not holding her at night. He didn't want to face that type of loneliness again.

"Chris, do you want me to get you some tea?" she asked as Christian stared at the ceiling in the dark. The clock just struck 2:00 am.

"I want you to catch some sweet, sweet dreams baby," he sighed, rolling over to kiss her.

"I'll get you some tea," she decided. "I just had my last day of work, so there's no reason I can't keep you company while you fight through the med adjustment." She left her job to focus on her and Christian and their expanding family. It seemed like the right choice, especially with Christian experiencing all this pain that she didn't feel he deserved. He already went through enough. He paid his penance.

She returned with a steaming cup of tea and handed it to Christian, who sat up against the headboard in response. "Thank you," he said softly, sipping at the warm liquid.

"I love you," she said gently, rubbing his thigh lovingly.

"I love you too," he said with a smile. "But I need you to sleep, babe." He placed the tea on  a coaster on the nightstand and cuddled against her.

"Why don't we talk about baby names?" she urged. "Maybe that will help. Like counting sheep."

The idea did flood him with genuine happiness. His sweet babies. "I like Evan and Rowan for boys," he started.

"And for girls?" she said with a smirk.

"Uh, um, Isla?"

"We talked about using Isla before, if Nathan would have been a girl, and I think I want to try something different."

"What do you have in mind?" he asked, lowering himself down her body and assaulting her belly with kisses.

She giggled. "I like Frankie and June. Frankie because that Frank Sinatra song was playing at the park on our first date. June because that's the month we met."

He looked up at her with nothing but adoration in his eyes. She was a cheesy romantic sometimes, but he wouldn't want her any other way. "I love it. Frankie and June. They sound like an awesome musical duo."

Amelia snorted. "So Evan and Rowan for boys and Frankie and June for girls?"

"I'm on board," Christian muttered, continuing his kissing spree.

"That was too easy. What about middle names?" She giggled as Christian's hands began to wander upward toward her breasts.

"Let's figure that out later," he said softly. "Middle names are a breeze." He moved his hands back down and began to fiddle with the waistband of her pajamas.

"Christian, I think I'm too big to feel comfortable having sex right now," she said softly, disappointment lacing her voice. She wanted him more than anything. She could feel herself growing wet as soon as Christian pulled her against him. Pregnancy put her libido in overdrive.

"Well, I think you've never looked more beautiful," he replied. "But I understand."

He continued to play with her tummy until an idea popped into his head. "How about you ride my face?" he asked out of nowhere, as if it was the most obvious idea on the planet.

She couldn't help but laugh. "I'm okay. I promise."

"I want to make you feel good," he said softly before getting on his back. "It's up to you," he said with a wink. "My mouth will be right here." He playfully rubbed a finger against his lips.

"Are you sure?" she asked, squeezing her legs together in a futile attempt to control her want.

"Positive," he said firmly, licking his lips. He was ready to go.

That was all the encouragement she needed. She got to her feet as smoothly as she could, removing her bottoms before making her way back  to her husband. She kissed his lips gently, and he wrapped a hand around her neck to pull her closer to him. "Get up here," he whispered. "Now," he continued lustfully.

For whatever reason, she felt slightly nervous as she positioned her legs around his face, her pregnant tummy taking up more space than she wanted it to in this sexy of a context.

Christian didn't give a single fuck and immediately began to lap at her core like a thirsty dog on a 100-degree day.

She tried to control her hip motions, but she couldn't help but grind against his face. Each lick, each gentle suckle of her nub, made her lose a little more control.

She knew she was dripping wet. She could feel it, but Christian welcomed the wetness, savoring every last drop.

"I'm close," she moaned, her hands moving away from massaging her breasts to seek some stability against the headboard.

Her words just made Christian taste her more aggressively, his tongue refusing to quit.

"Fuck, Chris," she gasped before finally letting go.

She gave herself a few seconds to breathe before freeing his face and crawling into his arms. "You, Amelia, are incredible."

Her hand brushed against his rock hard cock, but he playfully brushed it away. "Tonight is for you," he muttered. "You're the best wife, and you deserve to feel so, so good," he continued, placing a few kisses against her neck.

God, she loved him. And she knew they loved each other so madly that nothing would break them apart again. Absolutely nothing.


"Hey, Christian," Travis greeted Christian in the Maryvale clubhouse. "That was some hit," he said, referring to Christian's homer in his one at bat of the afternoon.

"Thanks, man," Christian muttered. "Fuck," he snapped, as he accidentally dropped his pill bottle on the ground. "Sorry," he said, quickly picking up the bottle and putting it in his backpack.

"No sweat. Pain meds?" Travis asked. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's nothing," Christian said sheepishly.

"Doubt it." Travis knew his friend well enough to know he was hiding something. "I'm always here if you want to talk."

"I started going to a shrink to cope with how badly I messed up, and I was ultimately diagnosed with some depression and anxiety stuff. No biggie." Christian shrugged.

"I'm honestly super proud of you, buddy. Falling in love with Amelia all over again. Treating her like the incredible human being she is. Being the best, coolest dad to your little dude. Dealing with the hardships of life like an adult by seeing a specialist. Putting your family first. You really are a role model, and I'm honored to be your friend."

Travis patted his friend on the shoulder. "You've got this."

And it's exactly what Christian needed to hear. He did have this. Everything was going to be just fine.

Him. Amelia. Their little loves. Everything.

Riptide: A Christian Yelich StoryWhere stories live. Discover now