The sixth

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Today's is just one drawing because I gave up on the other and haven't finished the other-other yet

Aaaand I gotta ask for some advise

I know only like 5 people look at this shit I do here, but maybe they can help me

So the drawing first

It's obvious who I drew this for, since it's on the drawing

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It's obvious who I drew this for, since it's on the drawing


I'm hella proud of this?? I might even have figured my eye-style out?? Like I've been having the most difficulties with that

I like the outcome and how ít looks in general and I loved the two colours of Oliver they picked

It looked better on their drawing, but that's only natural I think

Also after this here is the thing I want an advice with

So in my friends circle there was a boy and a girl
The boy loved the girl and the girl thought she loved the girl
The whole class wanted them to get together
They did
It was all good until after 5 months they broke up

It was a shock to all
The boy was and is heartbroken, but the girl feels happy after it like she hadn't for a long time
And I'm happy for her while I feel sorry for him

So here's the thing
I don't want to leave the girl out of my friends circle, since her, a two other girls and she's in, and that boy and two other
And they get along with each other, leaving the girl out
So I try to hug her and talk to her as much as I can while not abbandoning the other half and it seems like an impossible mission

And now as the guy asked me what anime should he watch
I recommended him Soul eater and told him that the hungarian dub is really good for that
As he didn't believe me, I told him that the guy who voiced Hiccup voices Death the Kid also
And he hooked up on Hiccup and said that he wanted to see httyd 3 when it comes out
I said I wanted to see too, so we talked out to watch it togethed, maybe with the other two girls when they watch httyd 2

In our free period, we were talking about it again
And she was there too
And later he told me, that he doesn't want her to be there, because he's gonna be there to enjoy himself and if she wants to see it, go see it with her new bf (because she went on two dates with another boy and she was telling it to me in a free period he was there too and he found it really annoying and asshole so he gave up on being nice to him, which he wasn't so far)

So ye now I don't know what to do, because of course I want to watch it with her too, but if they go on a date and watch it that's fine, but if I go watch it with her, then he gets mad at me I assume and agh

But if you don't have any advices that's fine too, since I wouldn't have anything useful, so I don't expect much

So thanks that you read through my rant/or agh idk what this was

You deserve a cookie


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