the 39ths

37 3 7

S O I decided fuck learning I gotta draw cuz I had two ideas

One was to draw Tom Hiddleston's sideview. Because it's just so pleasing and I can't draw him facing us. It's impossible

Two was... shit I forgot

Well here's what I got

It's my Olivia, redrawn from the anime Nagi no Asukara

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It's my Olivia, redrawn from the anime Nagi no Asukara. The character I chose was Manaka, whose voice and overall performance really annoyed me, but so did every other girl, so that's a thing. Only Hikari's older sister was a girl I liked and respected. But well Manaka's cheerful personality somewhat matches my Olivia. And her voice is somewhat close to what I imagined for Olivia, though not so annoying and she won't cry that much, I promise

But if someone wants to know she looks like this

This anime is beauty itself, go watch it, it's really uniqueAlso the man guy's va voiced Kaneki too, and the kinda emo guy's va voiced Kageyama, and the slightly underrated kind guy's va also voices AkaaaaaaashiSo yea a bit of motivation maybe to ...

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This anime is beauty itself, go watch it, it's really unique
Also the man guy's va voiced Kaneki too, and the kinda emo guy's va voiced Kageyama, and the slightly underrated kind guy's va also voices Akaaaaaaashi
So yea a bit of motivation maybe to watch it :3

Oh shit I turned into an anime reviewer ._.

Okay I'm gonna focus on the next drawing

Okay I'm gonna focus on the next drawing

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Honestly... it kinda looks like Benedict Cucumber ://

But it's supposed to be Tom Hiddleston

So it was a failure, sorry guys

I can't even draw a Tom instead of a cucumber

I don't even know what I was thinking. The lighting here is total crappola

Sorr, guys for letting you down

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