The tenths

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So I only drew one thing today, and then sent myself a drawing I drew beforehands, but it shows the difference between weeks even

So this is the one I drew a couple of weeks before. You might have seen it as I might have uploaded it before, because my memory is as good as... uh... hungarian educational system >:3

 hungarian educational system >:3

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I was proud of the rose

But meh it's not that big of a deal now ._.

I don't know what I did with that lil heart thing

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I don't know what I did with that lil heart thing ._.

But I'm kinda proud because I've spent yesterday watching my old favourite mlp speedpaints and today I could try out what I discovered while watching them

So yea, after me and my mom got the tattooes, I'm gonna show you the designs I created~☆


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