the 38ths

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In the much learning I *don't* do, I finally had time to draw yesterday

It was rushed, but I had time :'D

So first in my private english course, we were talking about homelessness *:)))))* and he said in Hungary it's illegal by the law to be homeless or beg for money. People still beg for money anyways, because it's Hungary, but that's not a solution to homelessness, government!

But I got inspired in the bad way

But I got inspired in the bad way

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So uh I'm sorry...?

So next, storytime first again :')

So I had to go to that said english lesson somehow. And it's been raining heavily in the past weeks constantly here in my area which not only gives me the headhurt, but also annoying. So I searched up a bus to go to the school not to bicycle my way there in the pouring rain. But it would have come an hour earlier. So I said fuck that I'm way too lazy for that, so I waited for an hour at home with the hope of the rain stopping by the time I have to go. It didn't
So I was soaking wet during the lesson and after I got home

It inspired me to do Olivia's rainy outfit, because the two of us have a similar taste in fashion

It inspired me to do Olivia's rainy outfit, because the two of us have a similar taste in fashion

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This shit is it :'D

Now did I only realise you can't see the difference between the raincoat and the jumper she's wearing :)

But this was close to what I wore yesterday

And also I came up with the idea that my favourite pairing is like a cat and a dog

And also I came up with the idea that my favourite pairing is like a cat and a dog

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I have no regrets

Reinette is...

This kind of cat

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This kind of cat. I don't know cuz I wasn't the one to come up with the spiecies of her

*seminary of this cat comes up-*

This cat is a British Longhair, and it's by many country not recognised as an other, official spiecies. Because, it was originally from the British Shorthair, but in the mid 20th century, they were inbread with Persian cats. And thus the longhair version arrived. Even nowadays some shorthairs have longhairs among their kids, and they're othen unwanted, and seen as a mistake
They get really fat if they're kept only as indoor cats
But they are very sweet and loveable

That's all I gathered in ten minutes of my research

So Reinette is this cat, though I messed up her tail

And Olivia is your typical, energetic Golden Retriver, aka my favourite, my dream dog😍

I thjnk the tail of her got really good, and maybe even the ears, but I'm not sure about that

This has been me, and even if your school today was useless, at least you learnt something new. Unless you already knew everything about this spiecies of cat ._.

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