The eighths

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I was much more productive than I thought I would be

After the first drawing I just sat there like now what??

And I ended up finishing three previous projects

So with the first one I had some troubles

Like how to draw vitiligo?

Like how to draw vitiligo?

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Appearantly not like this

But this is the final oneEventually I figured out :D

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But this is the final one
Eventually I figured out :D

Also my nyo nor is reall, friendly and kind, loves being photoshopped, but when she gets tired of people, he switches to male nor's personality

The next one is our favourite Oliver of course

I wanted to draw my Allen too, but I didn't find inspiration :c

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I wanted to draw my Allen too, but I didn't find inspiration :c

Coming up next is my new OC
Special thanks to ErinCunning for thinking a name for her~

Coming up next is my new OCSpecial thanks to ErinCunning for thinking a name for her~

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I wanted a character with heterochronia and another one with vitiligo
But I thought
Why not both? And thus she was born~

The last one in order was a really old one
It's older than my drawing tablet
How, you ask
It's easy
I drew it before onto paper and recreated and improved it on the tablet

The last one in order was a really old oneIt's older than my drawing tabletHow, you askIt's easyI drew it before onto paper and recreated and improved it on the tablet

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This was the original one

This is the final oneI liked how the wings turned out and I really like the new method I use for hair colouring

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This is the final one
I liked how the wings turned out and I really like the new method I use for hair colouring

Also I hope that her skin colour is right because I spent a dozen of hours testing out dark skin colour before settling on this

Also now that I see this, I didn't save the shading of the clothes on this :)

Also now that I see this, I didn't save the shading of the clothes on this :)

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But I did on this :3

The final-final

It was a bit rushed towards the end and I think it's visible too, but without the tablet I never would have finished it, nor could I have created such a complex background after the figures

The grass doesn't look like grasses, but that's a minor thing about it

So that was kiddo me today, but adult me will return~~

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