the 34ths

34 5 5

I should be learning as my exams are the next week but who cares not me

So I brought some shipping dinamics and a surprise

So I brought some shipping dinamics and a surprise

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I hope everything's understandable, if no-

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me~~
See, I'm prepearing for the exam ;3

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me~~See, I'm prepearing for the exam ;3

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Here I decided fuck that and put a girl in almost every pair oops

And yes, I love seborga x monaco, and yes I know I fucked up italy's flag on nyo italy

And before ya ask no, I didn't mess up nyo prussia's flag, cuz she's not nyo prussia-

So onto my surprise

A ray of sunshineeee~~

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A ray of sunshineeee~~

Just for ya~~

Giving you the love you deserve~~

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