the 41sts

37 4 31

Yea after a long and emotionally exhausting exam period, im here again

With a few drawings I could scrape together between studying

So here they are

So here they are

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I... kinda hate it now... the hair is not good in portions in comparason with the head, etc...

 the hair is not good in portions in comparason with the head, etc

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I hate how Jully looks here. And how those water driplets look like, but Lizzy looks... okay

This is some crossdresser Arthur, and his proud bf Alfred

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This is some crossdresser Arthur, and his proud bf Alfred

This is some crossdresser Arthur, and his proud bf Alfred

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This is how our fav couple deals with heat

I tried to make the scars look kinda real, and I think I succeeded? It looks similar to mine, so I guess so

Edit: I'm back from exams, and I did pretty well I think. Nothing's under 70% in the end, so I'm proud

But I did draw too, and I know that's what you care about ;3

But I did draw too, and I know that's what you care about ;3

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It was... for Trianon, but I drew it today, and it's really bad ://

Don't ask why they're naked

Don't ask why they're naked

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New style, it's still pride month, so I did it

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New style, it's still pride month, so I did it

And I forgot Lizzy's scar =^=

But I'm kinda proud of how Jully's one turned out? Cuz it's a bit squished cuz she's smiling, and  uh idk

So happy summer break to whoever has it already~💕

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