the 57ths

27 4 3

So... I did a thing ._.


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This... sin

It's male Arthur
But in a dress ._.

So moving on!

I decided that I needed some character studies and I found a really nice disney character that I quickly got really fond of, so I put some of her charasteristics into some of my new character designs

Cuz for someone who's main preference is females, I've been drawing a tremendesly big about of men

So I wanted to make some girl babies

Please welcome my babies, Rose and America!!

Please welcome my babies, Rose and America!!

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I might should have kept the glasses

She looks so foreign from canon nyo england ._.

But she just doesn't look like the pigtails kind of lady??

But she just doesn't look like the pigtails kind of lady??

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I was more expressive with her

And I like her final design more

Might mess with the colours later though
I just wanted to give her a more mature look, so I removed the hairclips, and added some fluff to the hair. Also America isn't America without the cowlick, so gave her that :'3

 Also America isn't America without the cowlick, so gave her that :'3

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And here I drew them together, completely ruining America's face :)

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