The ninths

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Aka the day I really decided to hate on sai

And here's why

And here's why

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I found only one, maybe two things that would appeal to me, both of the things I can manage without

One is the watercolour brush which I used as a blend brush because it was similar to what I wanted

And the other is the mash transform, but I'll manage without that two

And that acryll paper feeling there looked cool too
But it wasn't "the one" for me

This was my firs- second Francis attempt, and until I figure out how to draw his hair, the last too

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This was my firs- second Francis attempt, and until I figure out how to draw his hair, the last too

But seeing now, his neck is a bit too long...

Buuut I can't undo it now, it merged all the layers to one, so that's it

Buuut I can't undo it now, it merged all the layers to one, so that's it

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This was a thing that was supposed to be for an irl rp, but I wasn't ready with it due to Friday, as you can see

So again, now as I see it, his neck isn't even, but I like how I did some extra hairs here and there. A thing I always wanted to do, but never could with pencils

So that rp character will come soon too. And since I decided that I won't go to school next week, I can draw all week :D

So that was me for now, good night~

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