the 37ths

34 2 2

I had nothing planned for today except for drawing

So I drew :D

A l o t

A l o t

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First our favourite lesbians got asked what their favourite art wasAnd I couldn't stand just one coloured backgrounds so I thought huh, some musical notes in the background for Jully will do, right? Then I started writing down the poem "Egy gondol...

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First our favourite lesbians got asked what their favourite art was
And I couldn't stand just one coloured backgrounds so I thought huh, some musical notes in the background for Jully will do, right? Then I started writing down the poem "Egy gondolat bánt engemet" which is my fav despite hating the poet with all my heart, and then I drew a piece, written by...

You guessed it, Old Frizt himself! Yup I'm not even joking

You guessed it, Old Frizt himself! Yup I'm not even joking

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It's just a bad meme redrawn
Really bad

It's just a bad meme redrawnReally bad

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I planned this for a while now, and started it back then, but as I had much time, I only finished it now

In the beginning I wanted her to consider jumping off
But I'm glad I only drew her like this leaning from a roof

Now I'm most proud of this one, going toes to the first two

It's spidersona Olivia, looking at the night sky for the first time after a successful mission :3

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It's spidersona Olivia, looking at the night sky for the first time after a successful mission :3

So have a good night with this adorableness~~

My digital drawingsWhere stories live. Discover now