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kissing, harry decided, was one of his favourite things. it had only been about eleven hours since he'd first done it, but louis had made the experience terribly enjoyable. harry'd woken up early and felt a need for affection. it was strange because he was usually such a closed off person, but as soon as louis had kissed him the day before he'd be yearning for it. 

"lou," he whispered into the darkness, "lou, get up."

louis' eyes opened and harry smiled from where he was kneeling above him, "hey."

"i couldn't stop you last night," harry said, "i'm sorry."

"it's okay. maybe i didn't want you to, anyway," louis sat up and leaned in so that his nose was brushing up against harry's, "and maybe i don't want you to stop me now either."

they kissed for what felt like days, harry was surprised he didn't get bored. it was possibly a good thing that he'd been crushing on his friend for so long, this made it feel like the build up had been worth it. 

when louis finally pulled away - and pulled away for not just air - he gazed into harry's eyes, "harry i-"

"i love you," harry cut him off, a loud gasp escaping his lips after realising what he'd said. his hand shot to cover his mouth as louis gaped at him. the younger boy stood up quickly, thanking his past self for wearing a shirt to bed that night, and ran to exit the tent.

unbeknownst to harry, louis had watched him the whole way before quietly answering, "i love you too."


when harry stormed out of his tent in a puddle of his own tears, liam was confused but he didn't question it. he knew harry well enough to know that he'd rather mourn on his own. the boy took off into the thick mass of trees surrounding the clearing where the tents were pitched. liam figured he would be going to the makeshift football field.

"lima!" louis called, stepping out from his tent, "where'd harry go?"

liam turned to his friend and pointed in the direction of the forest, "that way, i thi-"

"thanks," louis exclaimed, jogging towards the trees.

"louis wait!" liam yelled, going towards him, "he seemed pretty upset, don't know if he'd want a visitor."

"i don't care, li. i need to see him," and that was all, before louis was off after the boy he'd confused so very much. it didn't take louis very long to find harry as he was perched in the centre of the field, head in hands. louis walked carefully up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"harry," he said, so quietly the wind nearly drowned his voice out, "why'd you leave?"

he turned, looked up, but avoided louis' eyes, "i said something stupid."

"it wasn't stupid, harry."

"it was."

there was a ten second pause before louis bent down and tilted harry's chin up, "i love you too."

"what," harry asked, astounded.

"i love you," he smiled and the curly-haired boy leapt forward and captured louis' lips in another sweet kiss. when they pulled away he continued, "i love you, i love you, i love you," harry giggled, "and i won't stop until you believe me."

"i believe you."

louis looked down into harry's emerald green eyes, "good."

harry sent him an innocent look, eyes red from crying, but a shy smile plastered on his face, "be my boyfriend? or something? i dont kno-"

"of course, baby," louis grinned, his eyes nearly shut from how wide he was smiling.

"baby," harry shuddered at the use of the word, it sounded so good coming out of louis' mouth.

"just testing it out," he smirked, "you seemed to like it- perhaps it'll stick, baby."


niall near on screamed when harry told him what had happened.

"are you kidding me styles?" he exclaimed, his young face moulding into one of pure excitement, "that's great."

"i told you, mate," zayn said, "you can never guess who's swinging the other way."

harry and louis' laughed, synchronised, "what wise words, zaynie," the older boy said in amusement.

all five boys went down to the lake and swam until dark. niall teased harry and louis every time they so much as spared the other a glance, claiming they were "constantly checking each other out... get a room!" harry was pleased that their coming out hadn't been an awkward fest and that the three lads took it very well.

it wasn't until each member of their group was lying on the grass, basking in the pale moonlight, that harry realised. "niall," he said, resisting the urge to crack up.

"yeah?" the irish boy replied.

"does this mean liam owes you forty pounds now?"

niall hopped to his feet and gave a whoop of approval, "yes! roll in the cash, payno!"

liam shot harry a sharp glare, which he returned mockingly, and smacked niall in the head.

"hey!" he snapped, "why does everyone always hit me?"

"cos you're an ass," zayn chuckled and liam burst into laughter. harry thought the reaction was a bit dramatic to zayn's minorly funny statement and apparently louis did too. he turned to the boy and raised his eyebrows in question.

"have they got a little thing goin' on that i haven't heard about?" he suspected.

harry shook his head side to side, "dunno. i know that zayn likes him... a lot, but not sure about liam."

"you're telling me that liam may have to pay niall for his own homosexuality?"

"shut up!" harry shushed, louis talking a little too loud for his liking, "i said i'm not sure about lima."

"alright, alright, calm down darling. just a joke."

harry pouted while louis laughed and told him he was cute. his frown disappeared quickly after that. 

zayn peered at louis and harry in the darkness, "why're you two being so private over 'ere? you're supposed to be upda'ing us on all your-" 

"don't finish that sentence!" harry squeaked, cheeks burning red. zayn grinned and liam laughed along with him, niall sitting like an investigator, intensely studying the four lads before him.

"you're all weird," he said finally, after no one had spoken for a little while, "just sitting there looking at each other."

"awww nialler," zayn said, squishing his friend's cheeks, "you love us bro!"

"sometimes i wonder why i do," he shook his head before a bruising hug-tackle from the bradford boy was inflicted upon him. liam jumped on too and louis pulled harry into a tight embrace as well.

"this is happiness," louis whispered.


soooo... this happened! one of my favourite chapters to write, for sure. some angst, some fluff, hopefully not too emotional. i am so grateful for everyone who's reading.

thank you. treat people with kindness.

alyssa xx

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