twenty two

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"louis!" stan was quick to snaffle harry's boyfriend the next morning, pulling him into a bro-hug and dragging the lad away from harry.

"how ya going, mate?" louis replied just as eagerly, making the younger boy shiver.

"last night was wild, yeah?" stan grinned, miming a downing of a drink.

the blue-eyed one smirked, "oh yeah, best night of my life!" both boys burst into a fit of laughter, before grabbing their foreheads, clearly suffering from hangover.

best night of my life.

that one sentence hit harry like a tonne of bricks. how was that the best night of louis' life? all the times they'd shared, doing things together, kissing, sleeping in the same bed, had been forgotten and replaced by stan. the hate growing in the pit of harry's stomach was expanding each second he looked at the boy. so he decided to leave.

without another word, the curly haired boy took one step, then two, away from the disgusting situation between his boyfriend and another man. to no surprise, louis didn't stop him.

nothing was going harry's way. he knew that going to university would be a struggle, but never expected to practically lose louis in the first few weeks. as the young man walked away, his emotions overwhelmed him. harry needed a shoulder to cry on and he felt like he'd used niall too many times. he pulled out his phone and tapped on zayn's contact. immediately, he typed out a message asking his friend to come and let him rant. less than five minutes later, zayn appeared in front off the teary eyed boy.

"you right, babe?" zayn said quietly, sitting down in the secluded doorway harry had somehow come across.

the younger boy leapt into zayn's arms and rested his head on his shoulder, tears soaking the, luckily, black shirt adorning him. "i miss louis," was all he said.

"what do you mean you miss him?" zayn queried, "he literally lives with us."

harry peered up through his wet lashes, "he never pays attention to me. he's like, in love with stan."

chuckling slightly, zayn shook his head, "he loves you, haz."

harry pouted, "he doesn't."

"he does."

and the confirmation seemed to hurt even more because harry dived back into the crook of zayn's neck, slung his legs over the older boy's thighs and cried. he cried and cried and cried, his friend carding soft fingers through his unruly curls, until the bell rang signalling break was over. then he felt sick, and asked zayn to take him to the sick bay. all in all, this day was the breaking point for harry, and he no longer knew what to do.

all he knew was that louis probably wouldn't care.


although he hates to admit it, harry threw up four times after he went home. something about everything that was happening was making him nauseous. his head was throbbing, and not for the same reason as louis', matched with an uncomfortable stomach ache. harry thought back to the time when he'd suffered watching louis and eleanor. god, he hated that girl. that was the time when he'd found out about louis' scars and hurt and promised to keep him safe. what'd he done now? he'd left his boyfriend to deal with stan the idiot.

when niall got home he was concerned. liam even more so, as zayn had told him what happened. all harry could do was shrug and tear up, wishing that his lou would just come home and they could talk it out. niall voiced that he hadn't seen louis since that morning. liam and zayn nodded in agreement.

oh no.

louis and zayn had a class together that day. why didn't louis show up?

just as that thought crossed his mind, louis came bounding, happily through the door. 

"lewis," liam said, turning around in anger, "where've you been?"

"just with stan," louis smiled, ignoring the harsh stare sent at him by all four mates.

"doing what?" zayn piped in.

louis rolled his drastically blue eyes, "hanging out, uptight, nothing bad."

harry swallowed. he seemed happier than he'd been for a while, and stan was the cause. that was very upsetting for harry, who basically lived to please louis, and somehow couldn't even make him smile anymore. louis began to climb the steps up to his and harry's room when the latter got an idea.

what if it was the lack of affection? harry decided to follow his boyfriend up the steps. he found the door closed and no sound coming from inside. cautiously, harry reached for the handle and pushed the door open slowly.

"baby?" louis asked. he was sitting on the bed, phone in hand. however, as soon as his boyfriend entered the room he placed it on the side table. that surprised harry.

harry didn't reply, but surged forward and connected his lips firmly with louis'. the older boy kissed back, but pulled away sharply when harry began clawing at the hem of his shirt, emitting a whine from the younger.

"what are you doing?" 

harry furrowed his brows and made a small noise, "just wanna," he dived back in only to be stopped more.

"harry," louis said sternly, "what's brought this on?"

harry frowned deeply, "you don't wanna kiss me?"

"no it isn't that-"

"it is!" harry yelled, "that's why you've been ignoring me and only wanna hang out with stan!"

"harry, calm down, that isn't what it is-"

"stop lying! you never kiss me or talk to me or even look at me anymore."

louis looked crushed, like he'd just caught onto what harry had been worrying about for days.

"plus you went drinking. drinking, louis," he shook his head, "this isn't like you."

"i know," he whispered after a while, "i thought i was so cool."

and hearing those words made harry's heart lurch, but he wasn't going to break that easily, "well, ditching your boyfriend isn't cool," and it sounded so vicious that harry was surprised the words came out of his mouth. 

closing his eyes slowly, louis spoke, "i know, darling, and i'm sorry."

"i shouldn't have come in here and kissed you."

"why?" the older boy questioned, "it brought us to this, which we needed to talk about."

"because it changes nothing," harry said, ignoring louis' second comment. he then turned around and left. just left. he wasn't sure where to go or what to do, but harry knew he didn't want to go back.


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treat people with kindness.

alyssa xx

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