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(Don't ask)
Lily's POV
"M-Mori it's still your t-turn"I Said while blushing

"Ok, Mitsukuni?"

"Ummm Truth!"Said Honey

"What do you do In the middle of the night?"asked Mori

"I eat cake 🎂"Said Honey

Hey that's no fare I wish I could do that. Oops I think they saw me pout .

"Um Lily are you ok" asked Haruhi

"She just mad that she can't eat cake in the middle of the night"Said Becca

"Jerk"I murmured

Honeys POV

Hmmm I have the perfect idea

"Lily~Chan truth or Dare"

" Tr-Dare"She Said

I laughed than said "Lily~Chan I dare you to sit on Takashi's lap for the rest of the game"

(Stupid wattpad deleteing My work)

Moris POV
Mitskuni you sly devil.I look up and see Lily the color of a tomato. A cute tomato at that. WAIT WHAT!? What is this girl doing to you Takashi?

Lily's POV
Gsjwvwivaiavaiva CODE RED CODE RED ahhhhhhhhhh. Shit, Fudge, RAINBOWS!?!
I got up and started walking over to him when all of a sudden I tripped. I swear I heard the twins laughing. I look up to see what I landed on and realize I landed on TAKASHI?!?!? Jeovelwbaiavh Are NOSES were LITERALLY TOUCHING. I pulled away as fast as I could turned around and sat in his lap. AND NOT EVEN TWO SECONDS LATER I FELT A PARE OF ARMS WRAP AROUND MY WAIST?!?!??

"Um uhhh K-Kyoya Tu-Truth or D-Dare?"

Beccas POV
Hahahahh WAIT LILY NO!!!

"Dare"The edge lord states

"I dare you to kiss Becca for 30 seconds!"the blonde idiot that I call my friend said...

I started to turn to kyoya when all of a sudden I felt lips on mine!!!!

CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Ok so we are going to try to wrap up Truth or Dare soon but hajavaiabjqv my ship!!!! Oh and the reason I said I hate wattpad is because they made me write that whole part over again. Oh and also I died midway making this soooooooooo hehehe.

~ your friend Lily

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