A Regected Apology and an accepted one

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YN is walking through the halls when Ruby and Yang walk up to him.

Ruby: You have to forgive us.

Yang: Please forgive us.

YN: You raped me Yang! Why would I forgive you?

Ruby: You raped him? (She backs away from Yang)

YN: You didn't know? How could you not have known? It happened every other day.

Ruby looks horrified and she starts to cry.

Ruby: How could you? Big brother has even more of a right not to forgive you!

Yang falls to her knees and cries.

Yang: I never meant anything by it. I thought you genuinely loved me!

YN just walked away with a swish of his cape leaving a disgusted Ruby and a crying Yang.

Ruby then goes back to her dorm and she starts to cry on her bed. Weiss and Blake take notice to the crying.

Weiss: Ruby, why are you crying?

Ruby: I found out why YN hates us.

Blake: Why?

Ruby: Yang raped him.

Weiss Blake, WHAT!?

Ruby: I now know why YN hates us and the worst part is that it is justified.

Weiss: But it wasn't you. You didn't do it, Yang did.

Blake: There is still a chance that YN will forgive you. If only to spite Yang.

Ruby: You're right, there is still a chance. I'll do whatever I have to do to get him to forgive me.

Ruby then runs out of the room and goes to YN's dorm. She knocks on the door and YN looks down at her.

YN: Why are you here?

Ruby: To plead for your forgiveness.

YN: I'll hear what you have to say.

Ruby: I never meant to hurt you. Yang and dad pressured me into doing it. I never wanted to hurt you.

YN: Interesting, I'll think about it.

Ruby: Please, It's what I want more than anything in the world, even more than cookies.

YN remembers how Ruby would react over cookies. She prized them above almost anything else. It brings a tear to his eye.

YN: I forgive you, but you are a long way from being able to call me brother. You'll have to show me that you really are sorry.

Ruby just hugs YN and starts to cry.

Ruby: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

A small smile creeps onto YN's face as he sees a being curled up and hugging his leg. Maybe it is just natural instinct, or that YN genuinely cared but he wrapped his black cape around her and let her curl up on his bed. YN just watched from the comfort of his high backed sofa chair while the little black and red girl slept with the first smile on her face in a very long time.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter, it was a very heavy one for me to write and the fact that I am studying for midterms didn't help with the release date. But you probably don't want excuses so I'm sorry and I'm not going to lie, it will probably happen again.

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