Catching up

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Because you lot have to stay home because of the Coronavirus you are getting an extra chapter! This one was in the works for a while, I just had writer's block but now I think I know what the next few chapters will be on so they should be the ones that I'm working on next.

YN was walking through town with Ruby trailing after him like a little puppy.

Ruby: So where are we going big brother?

YN: I am meeting with a good friend of mine.

Ruby: Who is your friend?

YN: He is my father's deputy, Sir Horatio Moss.

AN: Maybe some day I'll tell you why Moss is in most of my stories.

Ruby: Sir Horatio Moss? Is he a lord like you?

YN: No, he is a knight, and a good one at that. Anyway, how is your father?

Ruby: He isn't too good, his back is hurting him again and his shoulder needs replacement.

YN: Good.

Ruby: Good?! Don't you care about him?

YN: I care about him enough to want to put a bullet in his frontal lobe.

Ruby: Why?!

YN: After all that he did to me, do you think that I can just forgive him.

Ruby: But still, he's your father.

YN then grabs Ruby's wrists.

Ruby: Stop it YN, you're hurting me!

YN: HE IS NOT MY FATHER! SUMMER IS NOT MY MOTHER! YANG IS NOT MY SISTER! YOU ARE NOT MY SISTER! Just because I have forgiven you doesn't mean that we are one big happy family. Don't forget that!

He then lets go of her wrists.

YN: Go back to Beacon, I wouldn't want to offend my father's deputy, or more importantly my father and mother with your presence.

With a swish of his cape YN turns his back on Ruby and walks towards the cafe where he is meeting his parents and Moss. He sits down at the table and slumps into his seat.

Elizabeth: Son, is something wrong?

YN: How could you tell?

Elizabeth: You are slumped in your chair. You never slump or slouch unless something is on your mind.

YN: My old family

Arthur: What are they doing now? Do you want me to send a levy after them?

YN: It is not that serious, the populace should not be squandered for such petty reasons.

Arthur: Fair enough.

Moss: But they will be kept as a stand by.

Arthur: Anyway, how have your studies been. You are doing well I'd presume.

YN: There is no need to worry father, I am passing all my classes with flying colours.

Elizabeth: As is to be expected of our son.

YN: I'd hate to disappoint.

Arthur: You could never disappoint us son.

YN: It feels good to know that father.

Arthur: Oh, Son, I'm going fishing later today, would you like to come along? I've brought my spare rod just in case.

YN: Really?! In all honesty, that's all I've wanted to do since I've gotten to Beacon. I've even purchased my own kit!

Arthur: Go get it then, I have discovered the most beautiful fishing spot.

YN: It may be beautiful but does it have any yield?

Arthur: Indeed it does, several of the most delicious salmon you have ever seen.

YN: Then, with the permission of the good lord and yourself, let us go fishing.

Arthur: Well, you have my permission and, not that anyone can understand the wisdom of the lord god himself besides himself or maybe his holiness the high priest of the gilded monastery.

YN: Yes aside from the most likely guaranteed approval of god and his holiness the high priest, I would have to say that we are ready to go fishing.

The two then grab their fishing gear and a six pack of beer. They then throw their gear into a pair of rucksacks. They then change into some outdoor clothes and they start off to the fishing spot.

YN: So, father, what are your beliefs in regards to god?

Arthur: Before I state mine I would like to know yours.

YN: Fair is fair I suppose. I believe that god lies beyond this world. In which one, I don't know. That much sticks with conventional belief but I believe that God is coming.

Arthur: My views are very similar to yours in regards to god. However his holiness the high priest of the gilded monastery does not agree with our views. He regards our lord as still waiting on his throne so he is making the gilded monastery his throne.

YN: This is an outrage! The gilded monastery is property of god not the high priest! For when our lord returns he will be punished!

Arthur: I agree fully. However I do worry that when our good lord arrives that he will be rather free in his punishment of our dutiful selves and punish those who did no wrong.

YN: Father, can you keep a secret?

Arthur: Indeed I can.

YN: If those are your worries why not do something about it.

Arthur: What do you mean?

YN: If god will punish me for suggesting these actions then it is his will. If the high priests actions are against the will of god then we should remove the heretic from his seat of power.

Arthur: Son, what you are saying is considered heresy.

YN: Is it not worse to anger god.

Arthur: It is but in this life it is the high priest who holds sway.

YN: Then in standing against him I shall become a martyr!

Arthur: Do not speak like that! You are my son and I love you.

YN: Father, I love you and mother more than I could possibly say in one lifetime. But to affront god by permitting a heretic to call himself the high priest. I would gladly be martyred to correct this injustice.

Arthur: You and what army?!

YN: The Kaizer of Vale is an atheist and thus does not fear the high priest. He is a good friend of mine and it is his army that I will use.

Arthur: What makes you think that he will just give you his army?!

YN: I would not need an army, a few thousand men should do it! Also he owes me a favor.

Arthur: So he will just give you three thousand men?

YN: Loan, he will loan me the three thousand men and a small compliment of armored vehicles. In addition to my personal levy it should be enough to take the gilded monastery

Arthur: What are your plans then?

YN: I don't know, but we will either win or be martyrs on the steps of the gilded monastery!

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