The first day at Beacon

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Skipping past Ozpin's speech to when they are all getting ready to sleep.

Ruby: I wonder where YN is?

Yang: Its the anniversary of his disappearance, isn't it.

Ruby: Yeah.

Yang: Hey, cheer up. Maybe you can make some new friends now. Look, there is our new friend over there. (Gestures to Blake) Let's go talk to her.

They go over and talk to Blake.

Yang: lovely evening.

Blake: Almost as lovely as this book I am reading. (Cat for fuck off)

Ruby: Hi I'm Ruby, but you can call me crater, just call me Ruby.

Yang: what are you reading.

Blake: It's about a boy who ran away from an abusing home, he then was adopted by his original family and they lived happily ever after.

Ruby started to cry at this point.

Blake: Why is she crying?

Yang: This is the anniversary of when our brother ran away from home?

Blake: I'm sorry, I can't say that I know how you feel, but still. What was his name?

Yang: YN Rose.

Blake: Earlier I met a guy by the name of YN. Maybe he is here.

Ruby: It might be.

Yang: Let's see if we can find him.

They go around and they see a man in a blue ensemble taking off his boots.

Yang: Hey, would you know a YN Rose?

YN: (Oum almighty, what are they doing here) I did.

Yang: What happened?

YN: He died.

Ruby: What!?

YN: About seven years ago.

Yang: He can't be dead! How do you know?

YN: Trust me, I know.

And on that note they all go to bed.

Time skip to the launch pads

YN is wearing his armor and he is equipped with his sword. Ozpin tells the students about the objective and Jaune panics.

Jaune: do we get parachutes.

Ozpin: No, you will be using your own landing strategy.

Jaune: What do you mean, landing strategy?

Ozpin: You will be falling.

YN: Well lets get this over then.

YN is then launched off of the cliff and he hurtles through the air until he crashed into a nevermore. He managed to straddle the beast.

YN: Alright, Its no different from riding a horse. It's just a huge flying horse that looks like a raven and it wants to kill me. I got this.

YN then rides the nevermore and he flys down to the temple where the relics are. YN looks around and he sees a knight piece and he picks it up and puts it in his pocket.

AN: before you freak out, remember that there are four knights at the start of a game of chess. Two white and two black.

YN then proceeded to leave the forest and he goes back to Ozpin and he waits for the other students to finish.

Ozpin: Team CRDL led by Cardin Winchester
Team JNPR led by Jaune Ark
Team RWBY led by Ruby Rose
Now a type of team that have never been created before A one man team.
Team Knight led by YN Rose.

YN takes this about as well as can be expected. He walks up to Ozpin and he backhanded him, YN is still wearing his gauntlets at this point.


YN then walked off the stage but he is stopped by Ruby and Yang.

Yang: Where have you been huh? For the past seven years?!

YN: With my family.

Ruby: But we're your family.

YN: No, you lost the right to call me family a long time ago.

Yang: You have to forgive us.

YN: I don't have to do anything.

YN goes to walk away but Yang grabbed him and smacked him.

YN: Just like old times isn't it. But trust me I'm not going to be on my knees begging you to spare me this time.

Yang: YN, I'm sorry, I didn't know what came over me.

YN: You haven't changed a single bit since I ran away.

Ruby then goes and hugs YN.

YN: Get off of me.

Ruby: Not until you forgive me.

YN: Well you are going to be holding on for a long time.

Ruby gets off and YN walks out of the room.

Meanwhile Ozpin has a rush of shit to the brain.

Ozpin: (In head) Should I call Tai? I'll call Tai.

Ozpin then picks up the phone.

Ozpin: Tai, I found him. (Second great idea) I'll also call Arthur LN, I'll invite him at the same time as Tai. (Calls Arthur) Hey Arthur, I've got someone you might want to meet.

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