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Chapter 5

Jimin and Mark were seated across each other.

"So you want me to get a tatoo of a red feather and claim Seokjin as my mate and let him die?" Mark asked.

Jimin nodded his head already having the worst scenarios entering his mind. Usually omegas have tatoos that are hidden somewhere but luckily Seokjin had one on the neck and it was easy to see it.

Previously, an alpha or beta would find their omega when they make contact with them and the tatoo would glow from the omega side confirming them as mates.

But as generations passed that was very hard to find because there was no true love left. So now they themselves find their mates. But once they find their mates they would be loyal to each other until death.

"But what if- what if JinYoung know?" Mark asked.

JinYoung was mate of Mark and already made love to each other. So even if Mark have sex with Jin he would not die but Jin would.

"I'll make sure that no one knows about this" Jimin smirked.

Mark do not want to do this but he had no choice. If he disobeys Jimin he was sure Jimin would do something dangerous to JinYoung and he doesn't want that.

"Ok" Mark said and sighed.


Taehyung was ver nervous about his birthday which was about to come in two days.(Just pretend Taehyung's birthday is before Jungkook for the sake of the story).

He doesn't want a mate and he vowed himself that he would never accept the mate he gets unless he really like him and accept him. He was just restless about that.

He was strolling along the hallways but came to a halt when he sees Jungkook and Jimin dancing. Upon seeing them he suddenly remembered Jin. He completely forgot about the younger.

He made his way outside the building and went home as he was not in a mood to attend classes. He took out his phone and opened instagram searching for a certain midget omega.

"Ah...found it..."

'Prince_Jin' it read. Taehyung chuckled on the username and quickly sent a request and waited. Not long after the request was accepted and he got a message from the omega.


Hello Taehyung.


Hi Jin. I was wondering where you were since I didn't see you in school.


I am in my parents' house. I can't make it to the school the whole week since you know I told Jungkook that I am not attending the competition with him since I need to see my grandma. Guess I am struck here for the whole week.


Oh...I see. Why don't you tell Jungkook about Jimin though?

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