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Chapter 17

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung stuttered with wide eyes. Jimin was looking at the mark that Jungkook just got with intense disappointment.

Jungkook was too frozen to respond. Jin was still pressed against Taehyung's chest crying like a baby while Taehyung was running his fingers through Jin's hair, rubbing his back. He was too heartbroken to ntice what was happening around him, what was happening to Jungkook.

"J-Jungkook you got a feather, a red and gold one?" Taehyung more like told himself.

And that caught Jin's attention. He sniffled and turned around to face Jungkook, his eyes searching for the mark. He glanced over Jungkook's pale wrist only to find a feather with red and gold adorning it. It was beautiful.

Jin slowly walked towards Jungkook, taking his wrist into his hand, running his fingers over the mark sending shivers down Jungkook's spine.

"K-kookie? W-what does it mean?" Jin asked.

Jungkook was following Jin's every movement. He himself didn't knew what it meant. He shrugged his shoulders, concentrating on Jin's confused eyes.

Taehyung came over to them joining Jin in tracing Jungkook's mark. Jungkook was just standing there watching his mark, then Jin's and Taehyung's.

Jimin was the one to break the silence.

" got the same mark as Jin and Taehyung but yours is having gold in it.  This is a very rare caseThat-that m-means you a-are a-also mated w-with t-them being the leader of the pack" Jimin said tearing up.

That made the three of them frozen, they were lost, confused and desperate. They three were mates? But it is not possible right? Never in their wolf history did they hear of triple this all a joke?

Sensing their confusion Jimin further explained.

"It may sound unreal but it is a very rare case. I once read in a book in library but in the book it said that there was a risk I was curious and read it. It said that there should be some sacrifice but unfortunately I did not complete reading it, so maybe you could go and search up in the library?" Jimin said.

He was looking down the whole time with guilt and regret filling him. Afterall Jungkook was his best he approached Jimin patting his back assuring that he was forgiven. Jin too joined in and hugged Jimin. Taehyung was hesitant at first but joined anyway after the puppy eyes he got from Jin and patted Jimin's back.

Jimin felt a weight lifted up his shoulder. He thanked them and apologised many times later.

"I hope you three will have a good future and support each other" he said and left giving the three some space to talk.

"S-so what do we do now?" Jungkook said.

Jin came back to his senses now and began tearing up again. He lost his ability to concieve. He could not give an heir to his mate...mates. He could not expand the now supposedly Jeon pack, this would be the end of Jeon pack and it was all going to be his fault.

Jungkook and Taehyung were both sensing the sad, heartbroken pheromones their omega was releasing. Taehyung being nearest to Jin pulled him closer and hugged him. Taehyung was also embraced by Jungkook.

"'s OK baby. We don't need any heirs, you are important for us. If you are by my side that's enough for me baby. Please don't cry" Jungkook said and nudged Taehyung to do the same.

"Yes Jin, you are enough for us. We don't need a's Ok" Taehyung said rubbing Jin's back.

"B-but-" Jin started only to be cutoff by Jungkook.

"No buts Jin! YOU are ENOUGH for us" Jungkook said in his dominant alpha voice.

Jin nodded his head snuggling more closer to Taehyung, breathing in his scent, calming down. They stayed like that for long until Taehyung and Jungkook could hear some soft snores.

They both sighed in releif and tucked him in bed, covering him in his soft pink blankets that Jungkook have. He kept it with him for the sake of Jin incase he had to stay the night. Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed looking at the teary face in misery.

Jungkook kissed Jin's forehead, caressing his hair.

"What do we do now?" Jungkook asked.

"We will go to the library and check what Jimin told us, now before Jin wakes up. I don't want him to know that in case it is serious" Taehyung said not wanting to hurt Jin anymore.

Jungkook hummed in response before kissing Jin's hair and cheeks again and then getting up to go change. Taehyung was alone in Jin's room.

He sighed and move closer to Jin, running his hands through Jin's hair watching his peaceful face which have tear trails. He gently wiped away the tears looking at him with so much concern and fondness. He smiled unconciously, thinking of the first time they made love.

"I will not let anyone hurt you Jin, I promise. I will stay by your side forever" Taehyung said, caressing Jin's hand.

Just then Jungkook came back and they headed of to the library, leaving a note to Jin incase he gets up and panicks.

They searched for the book on mates and marks which they finally found in the history section. Their hearts were beating like crazy while going through the first part which Jimin already explained. They were sick feeling something obnoxious.

Then they read the words that made their heart freeze, blood run cold, nerves breaking. What they feared came true.

If there are three mates that share the same mark, there must be a sacrifice to make for the well being of their submissive. Either one must sacrifice their love for the submissive or let the submissive choose it's alpha. The mark one the one rejected will eventually fade off giving them a new mate. These triple mates were created in the past by the Moon Goddess to test the power of true love.

Hi guys! How did you like the strory at the end. I know it's too dramatic and cliché but this was the only idea that came to my mind. Hope you liked the twist, please tell me your opinion on it.

And, Have you all listened to Scenery.
It's beautiful. Taehyung's vocals are perfect. The way he recorded his walking sounds, clicking of photographs just shows how much artistic he is. I literally cried listening to the song. If you did not listen, then please do listen it.

Finally, Do you like the new covers of the story?

Take care of yourselves and stay healthy.
I love you.💜

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