Chapter 9b

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This chapter takes place immediately after the events in the previous chapter, but from Cassie's POV

I was simply minding my business when I got a phone from Marshall of all people. I've never heard him sound so scared. He told me he called Livie to make plans to come see her when he heard her with pills. I should have been calling her and checking on her. But I thought being ten years clean she could handle herself. 

Unfortunately, the pills weren't the worst part. Marshall also said after he rushed over to her house, and broke into three different doors he finally found her on the bathroom floor, laying in her own blood, both of her wrists cut. He was practically in tears, I was in tears. I dropped what I was doing and ran to the hospital as fast as I could.

When I arrived I checked in with the emergency room clerk and she sent me in the direction of Livie's room. I found a doctor who told me she just cut herself. They had to give her a few blood transfusions due to the amount of blood she lost, but she had no drugs in her system which was a huge relief. All we were able to do now is wait for her to wake up.

Leaving Livie's room, I run into Marshall. "Thanks for calling me." I said to him. Truthfully, I blame him for a lot of Livie's problems. I know she's an adult too, and makes her own decisions, but I feel like a lot of the things she's been through in her life she wouldn't have gone through if not for him. "Yeah, no problem. I didn't know who else to call, besides the obvious of course." I nodded. I turned and was going to walk away when he stops me. "Cassie, I think I need to tell you some stuff. You, uh, might wanna sit down." I give him a side eye, but take a seat in the chairs near by." Marshall clears his throat before he begins. "Look, there's some stuff I don't think you know and I wanna be honest with you." I glare at him and he continues. "Me and Livie have kinda, um, hooked up a few times in the last week or so." I shook my head, feeling the heat rush to my face. I really didn't wanna lose my cool here, but he was making it hard. "I told her I was going to break up with my girlfriend, and then didn't. She saw us out and that's when she got upset and-" I put my hand up to stop him. I had heard enough. "This is your fault? Is that what you're telling me?" I asked, my voice barely above a growl. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. I feel so bad Cassie, I didn't know she was like this." "She loves you, you fucking idiot!" I yelled. Everyone in the area looked at us. "I don't know what she sees in you." I said, lowering my voice. "You better stay the fuck away from her you prick. I'm so serious." 

I stood up to walk away and there standing in the doorway to the waiting room was a woman with long brown hair I recognized. "I think you have company." I said, getting Marshall's attention. He looked up and said "Ill be back." He walked over to the woman and hugged her. She put her hand on his shoulder and he was talking to her, presumably telling her what happened to bring him here. She removed her hand and her expression instantly changed. She looked angry. They appeared to now be fighting. He said something to her and she got sad. He turned and walked away and she stormed out of the room. Before he had a chance to tell me what happened, I went to check on Livie.

Livie was still sound asleep. She had both of her wrists stitched up and seemed to be peacefully sleeping. I sat down in the chair next to her and eventually drifted off to sleep myself. I woke up a few hours later, with Livie still sleeping. I got up to stretch and take a walk to wake up. 

I made it back to the waiting room where Marshall, too, seemed to have fallen asleep. I sat down next to him, waking him up. He looked around and straightened up when he saw me. "You don't have to stay." I started, "Livie is probably going to sleep the night through, no need to stick around for that." He just shook his head. "Nah, I gotta be here when she wakes up. I at least want her to know I hung around, even if I don't get to see her or talk to her." I sighed. "Marshall, I don't want to be mad at you." I said looking at him. "But for whatever reason Olivia is in love with you. You don't seem to understand or care." "Its not that I don't care." he said. "I care a lot. But I don't know if I can be what she needs me to be." He looked down at the floor. "I can see what you're saying." I said. "But, you've gotta try harder than you have been. She deserves to be treated better than this." He nodded. "I know you're right. I promise I'm going to try. I started by dumping my girlfriend." "That was your girlfriend?" I asked. He nodded. "She didn't want me here because of Livie. I told her to go to hell." I chuckled. "You're always telling people to go to hell." He shrugged and flashed me a goofy smile.

It was then that the doctor came into the room. "Cassie?" he asked, looking around. I stood up. "Right here." I said. "Olivia is awake now. She's asking for both of you." Me and Marshall looked at each other and followed the doctor out of the room.

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