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     A week had passed since you found out that you were expecting a baby with your superhero husband. You knew that you needed to tell Steve, but you were so nervous about how he would react that you kept putting it off. The only person in the entire world who knew your secret was your best friend, Natasha. You were still waking up with morning sickness every day. You always tried your best to be quiet, so you wouldn't wake up Steve. Unfortunately sometimes he did wake up and you could tell that he was starting to think that something was wrong. 

     This morning was no different. You woke up around 6:30 with a strong urge to puke. Steve had his arm wrapped around your waist so you had to push it off before getting out from under the sheets. To your dismay, this woke him up and he opened his eyes as you climbed out of bed, rushing towards the bathroom. 

     He groaned and followed you muttering to himself, "Again?" He knelt down beside you and held your hair our of your face as your dinner from the previous night made its way back up. When your nausea passed you leaned against his shoulder and he put an arm around you. "Are you sure you're okay y/n? That's the third time you've thrown up this week, maybe it's time to see a doctor."

    You fumbled for an excuse, knowing that it was actually the seventh time you had thrown up that week. "I don't think that's necessary, it's probably just some will pass." You knew that you didn't sound too convincing and he was looking at you with a concerned expression. "Seriously, I'm fine".

     He sighed, "Okay. But if you're not better in three days, you're going to a doctor." You knew that it was no use arguing with him and agreed. That was three days to either tell him about the pregnancy, or get better at hiding it. Not wanting to think about it, you decided to get ready for the day. You pulled on some leggings and an old t-shirt to go work out in. Since you found out you were pregnant, you and Natasha had still been having "training sessions" so that nobody got suspicious. These sessions mostly consisted of Natasha actually training and you sitting off to the side venting to her. You pulled your hair back into a ponytail and headed down to the gym. When you got on the elevator you saw Pepper, another friend of yours. 

     She smiled when she saw you, "Hi y/n! I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever!"

     You had been mostly keeping to yourself for the past couple of weeks and hadn't gotten the chance to talk to your other friends at Stark Tower. "I know." You replied, "I've been really busy recently, but I've missed everyone."

     "Hey, why don't you and Steve come have dinner with Tony and I tonight and we can catch up?" Pepper suggested. You agreed, glad to have something to take your mind off of the conversation that you needed to have with your husband. Once you reached the gym floor you said goodbye to Pepper and set out to find Natasha.

     As usual, she was in the gym beating the life out of a punching bag when you entered. Being a trained assassin, she realized that you had entered the room before you even had to say anything. "Hey y/n, how are you?"

     "Still a little nauseous from this morning." You replied, "Also I'm a nervous wreck because I know that I've already put off telling Steve about the pregnancy for too long, I need to do it soon. What do I even say  Natasha?"

     "Oh come on y/n. Don't tell me that the brilliant agent is at a loss for words, you'll think of something." She yelled out as she threw a roundhouse kick at the punching bag.

     You put your head in your hands and groaned, "I just can't bring myself to do it. Every time I even think about telling him I freeze up and go into panic mode."

     Natasha stopped and turned towards you, offering a sympathetic smile, "Look y/n, I'm going to tell you the truth of this situation. You are pregnant and you aren't going to be able to hide it forever. You're going to start showing and then everybody is going to find out on their own. The longer you wait to tell Steve, the more upset he is going to be that you hid it from him. Just bite the bullet and deal with your situation before it gets worse." As hard as it was to hear, you appreciated your friend's honesty and knew that she was right. Now the only issue was finding the right time to tell Steve. 

     You stayed in the gym with Natasha for a few more hours before heading back up to your room. Steve wasn't there when you got back, he was probably at a meeting with with Tony and Fury, a frequent event at the tower. You sat on the couch trying to figure out when the best time to break the news to Steve was. You decided that right before dinner with friends probably wasn't the best idea, so you resolved to tell him that night when you got back. You were still nervous, but having a plan was a little comforting. 

     Before you knew it, it was time to go to dinner. You had texted your husband and told him that you had made plans with Pepper, so now the two of you were getting ready to head out. You both dressed in casual clothes since Pepper had wanted to go to a local restaurant. With Tony and Steve being Avengers going out was a lot more relaxing when you all laid low. Once you were ready Steve grabbed your hand and opened the door for you. The two of you made your way down to the lobby of Stark Tower, where you met up with Tony and Pepper. 

     Pepper smiled and greeted the two of you, "It's so nice to see you guys! We should probably get going so we don't miss our reservations." With that the four of you exited the tower and made your way towards the restaurant. It was only a couple blocks away and you were surprised by how quickly you were all able to get seated at a table. You sat down next to Steve and Pepper and Tony sat across from the two of you. 

     Of course with Tony being Tony there was only one thing on his mind once you were all sitting, "Alright, let's get this party started! Drinks for everyone?" Panic ran through your mind as soon as the sentence left his mouth. You hadn't even thought about how you wouldn't be able to have any alcohol anytime soon. Everyone agreed with him while you tried to come up with a good excuse.

     "Umm..actually..." You stammered, "I'm still not feeling one hundred percent better so I think I might just stick with water." Tony stared at you incredulously. Steve started to frown but you cut him off, "I feel better, I just want to take it slow." To your relief they all seemed to believe your lies.

     Desperate to get the attention off of yourself you changed the topic, "Tony, how's the wedding planning going?" Tony and Pepper had recently gotten engaged at a press conference and now the wedding was all that the media was talking about. 

     Tony laughed, "Oh you better believe that this is going to be the best party that New York has ever seen!" You and Steve both laugh at his remark.

     Pepper smiled and rolled her eyes before adding, "It's probably still going to be around two years out. You can't plan the best party that New York had ever seen overnight." The four of you talked about everything that was going on in your lives for the rest of the evening. The wedding, missions, highlight from the past month, everything except for the pregnancy that was still looming in the back of your mind. When you had all finished your meals the sun was setting outside and you decided to head back home. Tony and Pepper walked hand in hand leading the way. You and Steve followed, his arm around your waist and you leaning into his side. With every step you took you grew more and more nervous. 

     Eventually you reached the tower and you got on the elevator with you husband. The ride up to your floor was dead silent. You could practically hear your heart pounding in your chest as your breathing became more shallow. The ding of the elevator brought the silence to an end. You and Steve got off and walked through the door to your room. Steve closed the door behind you. It was now or never. You took a deep breath and turned around, looking up at him. You barely managed to find your voice, "Hey Steve...can we talk?"  

Pregnant?! - Steve Rogers x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now