The Truth Comes Out

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     Steve immediately took in your nervous state, "Of course, what's wrong y/n?"

     "I need to tell you something. I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you earlier but I was just scared and I don't even know how to say it...just please don't get upset, okay?"

     "Y/n." Steve said, placing his hands on your shoulders. "You know that I could never be upset with you, just tell me what's bothering you and we'll fix it together." You tried to meet his eyes, but you were having a hard time concentrating. Not wanting to stall any longer or beat around the bush, you decided to simply come out and say it.

     You looked down at the floor, "Steve...I'm pregnant." It stayed silent for a few seconds after you said it and you felt your husband's hands drop from your shoulders. Not being able to take the suspense, you willed yourself to look up. Steve's jaw was hanging open and his face had paled. "Please say something." You whispered. Then suddenly Steve did something you hadn't expected: smile.

     "Really? We're going to be parents?!" He pulled you into a hug and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. You were beyond relieved that he wanted the baby too. "How far along are you?" He questioned.

     "I'm not quite sure." You responded, "Probably no more than a couple of weeks." Your brief moment of happiness was ended when you started thinking about all of the complications that a baby would create. "Steve, how are we supposed to raise a child in this atmosphere? It's way too dangerous, but it's not like we can just abandon our careers either."

     Steve pulled away from you and looked you in the eyes. "Well, for starters, you're not going on any more missions for the time being." You began to pout, but he continued. "As for the rest...we'll figure it out when the time comes. I know it's going to be hard to raise a kid in this life, but it's you and me; we'll figure it out."

     Slightly reassured, you headed to the shower to get ready for bed. Feeling the hot water cascading down your back always calmed you down. You also had plenty of time to think while you were by yourself. Over the past week you had grown attached to the baby that you were carrying. Now you wanted nothing more than for things to work out. You knew that you would have to tell the rest of the avengers about the pregnancy soon. While most mothers would wait up to a few months before they started sharing the news, you're coworkers weren't just going to let you stop working on missions without a valid excuse. 

     You stepped out of the shower and dried off with a towel before pulling on your pajamas. Then, you walked back into the bedroom that you shared with Steve. He was already laying in bed. You climbed under the sheets and curled up next you your husband. He pulled you closer to him so that your back was pressed against his chest and wrapped his arm around your stomach. You smiled to yourself as  you began to drift off to sleep. Maybe everything would work out after all.

Pregnant?! - Steve Rogers x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now