The Truth Escalates

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     After two whole months of pregnancy it was finally time to tell the rest of the avengers. It took some time for Tony to round everyone up, especially since he wouldn't stop bombarding you with questions about what your announcement was. Eventually, all of the avengers were gathered in one of the tower's many living rooms. You and Steve were standing in the middle of the room, while many of the others were looking very confused. Natasha just sat with a smug grin on her face.

     Tony was the first to speak, "So...are you guys finally going to tell me what's going on here or are you just going to leave me in the dark?"

    "Be patient! They're getting to it." Natasha shot back.

     You nervously shifted your weight from on foot to the other as Steve began to talk. "So we decided that it was time to fill you all in on something...and explain why y/n isn't going to be going out on any more missions." This only seemed to confuse everyone even more.

     "What?!" Bruce looked stunned, "Y/n, you know that you are a valued member of the team."

     Steve continued before anybody else had time to say anything, "Well, it wouldn't exactly be safe for her to continue fighting right now because..." He paused and looked over at you with a small smile, urging you to finish the sentence. 

     You took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant." The news made everyone in the room fall silent, most of the avengers in varying degrees of shock and scrambling to figure out how to respond to what you had just said. You looked around to try to gauge how everybody was feeling, but it was difficult to tell. You were getting more anxious by the second while you waited for someone to respond and you could practically hear your heart pounding in your chest. You loved your job and had hoped that all of your coworkers would support you through this.

     Finally, Tony stood up, "Do you guys understand how dangerous this is? You are already at risk just by working in this field and now, if this information gets out, y/n is going to be sought out by all of our current enemies. There is no way..."

     "Come on Tony." Clint interrupted, "It's not impossible to be an avenger and have a family, look at me. As long as we keep y/n and the baby somewhere where they can't be found, this could work out." You were relieved that at least one more person was on your side.

     "I can't believe that none of you figured this out sooner," said Natasha while rolling her eyes, "There were literally dozen of signs." 

     "Hey y/n." You glanced over at Bucky to see that he was beaming. "Does this mean that I'm going to be an uncle?" You laughed and nodded. Since Bucky was Steve's best friend it was only fitting. 

     Tony ran a hand through his hair, "Alright, if this is really happening then we should work on setting up a safe house as soon as possible."  

     For over an hour the avengers continued to debate over all of the things that they were going to have to do to preserve the safety of the baby. Eventually you could tell that they were all warming up to the idea of having a tiny superhero around. You knew that your child was going to be very spoiled, but also lucky to have so many people that cared for it. When you and Steve left the living room, you felt very relieved about how everything had played out. Worn out from such a long day, you settled down on the couch as soon as you got back to your room. Steve took a seat next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You could see the sun setting through the large window that spanned across the wall, casting shades of pink and orange across the sky.

     "You know y/n, I've wanted this for so long. Ever since I saw how happy Clint was with his wife and kids. I just never thought it was going to happen for me."

     You were surprised by this confession, "Really? You've never said anything about that. I guess I wanted to be a mom when I was little, but once I started training to be an agent I put it out of my mind."  

     "Well now we can both have what we want, even if it takes some work to make it happen." 

     "Yes we can," you agreed with a soft smile. Steve leaned over and brought his hand up to your cheek, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips and causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. You were beyond excited to begin the next phase of your life. 

Pregnant?! - Steve Rogers x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now