A New Home

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     After spending three whole days in the hospital, it was time to take Sarah home. You were looking forward to moving into your new house. It had been completed a few weeks ago, but Pepper had suggested that you wait until the baby was born to visit it for the first time. That way, you would have a lot to look forward to when you started the new phase of your life.

     Happy had pulled the car up to the curb outside of the hospital. Steve gathered up all of your things while you picked up Sarah, and then the three of you went outside to meet him. After buckling Sarah into her car seat, you and Steve sat down in the back of the car on either side of her. Happy pulled away from the curb and began driving.

     He glanced at you in the rearview mirror. "Tony told me to tell you he had all of your personal belongings moved from the tower to your house while you were in the hospital. Everything is completely  ready for you to move in."

     "Thanks Happy," you replied. You were beyond thankful that Tony had taken care of all of the moving that you thought you were going to have to do. Having a newborn to take care of was stressful enough. 

     Before long you had gotten away from the metropolitan part of New York and were driving through Upstate New York. While the skyscrapers of the city were admirable and beautiful in their own way, your current surroundings were breathtaking. There were trees all around you that were greener than any you had ever seen in the city. The buildings were scarce; for the most part you were completely surrounded by nature. Happy turned off the main road and drove along a dirt road for a while. Then, you came to a clearing. For the first time in person, you saw the house that Tony had shown you pictures of months ago. It was even more than you had imagined. So simple and clean, with lots of open grass surrounding it. A ways away you could see a lake glistening in the daylight. There was a calm and quiet atmosphere, making you feel at peace instantly. You were at a loss for words.

     Happy put the car in park at the end of the dirt road. "I'll get your things if you guys want to go inside."

     You got Sarah from her car seat and Steve walked around to open the door for you. You placed your feet down on the long, green grass and started walking towards the house. There were white planks covering the exterior walls and a gray roof. White fencing surrounded a small porch,with a porch swing off to the right of the door. You stood there for a minute admiring it, before making your way inside.  

     All of your friends had done an amazing job furnishing the house. There were modern couches and chairs in the living and dining rooms, but many vintage pieces were mixed in to make the house feel more unique. There were three bedrooms in the house, the master bedroom, a spare bedroom, and the nursery. The nursery was decorated with memorabilia from each one of the avengers so that Sarah could grow up knowing where she came from. You couldn't believe how much thought had been put into each room. 

    "It's beautiful," you whispered while standing in the middle of the nursery. Your daughter had fallen asleep in your arms and the light from the window was  casting a warm glow throughout the room.

     Steve walked over to the two of you and wrapped his arm around your waist. "I love you both so much." You looked up into his eyes smiling, and then he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was gentle and sweet, and you were the happiest that you had been in your whole life.

     You had a beautiful daughter that you got to raise and a husband that you loved with all of your heart. You had never imagined yourself living the simple life, settling down and having a family, but you now realized that it was everything that you had ever wanted. You couldn't wait to experience the rest of your life in your new home. The ups and downs, good times and bad times, you would get to go through it all with the people who meant the world to you. This was your happily ever after.

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