Opening the Envelope

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     You were currently at your twelve week appointment and you had just gotten blood work done so that the doctors could check for any medical conditions, as well as attempt to figure out the gender of the baby.

     You heard the door knob turn, and your doctor reentered the room that you had been waiting in. "Alright Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, you baby appears to be perfectly healthy, and we were also able to determine the gender. Do you want to find out now?"

     "Actually, " Steve replied. "We wanted to wait and find out when it's just the two of us."

     The doctor nodded in response. "Okay. In that case, I'm just going to give you a picture of your latest ultrasound and write at the bottom of it. I'll put it in an envelope so you guys can open it later."

     "Sounds great," you said. As soon as she finished sealing the envelope, she handed it to you and you left the office with your husband. 

     While you were in the taxi, on the way back to the tower, you had a death grip on the envelope. This was the most anticipated part of your pregnancy. You didn't really have an opinion on what you wanted the baby to be, but you were excited to find out. 

     "Nervous?" Steve asked, after taking in your jittery state.

     "Maybe a little," you replied. "More excited though." The rest of the ride you let your imagination wander, dreaming about all of the ways that your life would change after the baby was born.

     Eventually the car came to a stop and you arrived back at the tower.  The elevator ride up to your room was silent and you could practically feel the anticipation filling up the small space. When the ding sounded to signal that you had reached your floor, you got off and walked to your door. Steve opened it for you and you went straight to your bed and sat at the end of it, still clutching the envelope tightly. Steve took a seat next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

     "Are you sure you're ready to open it?" He asked hesitantly. 

     You continued to stare down at the envelope, "Ready as I'll ever be." You held it up to open it, but your hands were shaking and you couldn't hold it steady. You would think that after working for S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years and dealing with dangerous criminals all the time, something like this would be a piece of cake. Still, your nerves were getting the best of you. "You do it," you held out the envelope to your husband.

     He laughed, gently taking hold of it, and then opened it, pulling out a folded sheet of paper. "Okay, on the count of three. One...two...three." Steve unfolded the paper and you saw the ultrasound picture of your baby, but then your eyes darted down two the bottom of the page. You heart leaped and a huge smile spread across your face. Circled in pen was one word...girl. 

     Before you had the chance to say anything you felt yourself being engulfed in a tight hug. When the two of you finally pulled apart, you saw that Steve had tears in his eyes. Suddenly you could no longer contain your emotions and you felt tears beginning to run down your own cheeks. 

     "Oh my god! We're having a little girl." You placed a hand on your stomach, grinning through your tears.

     Steve placed his hands over your own, "She's going to be perfect, just like her mother."

     "Only because she's going to have the best father that anybody could ever ask for." With that you leaned in and kissed Steve passionately, his hands moving to your waist. After a few seconds, the two of you pulled away.

     Steve got up and moved the ultrasound picture to a nightstand by the bed. "How do you think everybody else is going to feel about a little girl?"

     "I know that Natasha will be excited." Then you remembered a conversation that you had with your friends back when you first told them that you were pregnant. "Oh, by the way, I promised Pepper that she could help plan a baby shower where we can do a gender reveal."

     "That sound fun, as long as it subtle. We don't want the whole world to know that we're expecting." 

     "Of course." You laid back onto the bed, looking forward to telling everyone that there was going to be one more girl in the family soon enough.

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