The Gender Reveal

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     Pepper had spent the whole week planning the perfect baby shower for you. You told her to keep it simple because the party had to be low key. Letting anybody from the outside world know about the baby would put your entire family in danger.

     "Okay y/n," Pepper approached you one day. "Everything is ready for the shower except for the gender reveal. You wanted something simple, so I was thinking we go with a cake and color the inside of it either pink or blue, that way when we cut into it, everybody will be able to see what color it is."

     "That sounds great," you replied. "I'm guessing that you'll need to know what the gender is?"

     A smile spread across your friend's face. "Yes, can you tell me now? I can hardly wait to find out!"

     You looked around to make sure that nobody else was within earshot. "Alright...well, in about six months, us girls are going to be one less outnumbered."

     "Oh my god, that's so exciting!" Pepper was struggling to keep her voice down, "I'll have a cake made and them we can have the shower this weekend."

     The remaining days until the baby shower went by quickly. You had a hard time keeping the gender a secret, especially from Natasha. She was your best friend and tried on many occasions to coax the information out of you, but you remained strong. Eventually, the day of the party arrived.

     "How come I'm the last person to arrive at the party, isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" you asked Steve as he guided you down the hallway that led to one of the many living rooms in Stark Tower. 

     "Because," he started as you approached the door, "Everybody is very excited and they all wanted to be here when you arrived." When Steve opened the door everybody in the living room turned to look at you and you heard a series of cheers.

     Tony shouted above everyone else, "Well now that preggo is here we can finally get this party started!"

     You took a moment to admire the room. The decorations were perfect: elegant, yet also fun for an occasion like this one. The room had been adorned with shades of muted pink and baby blue. Ribbons, curtains, balloons, and pillows were all placed to add accents in just the right places. The room that Pepper had chosen had a large window overlooking the city, from which you could see for miles.

     You spent time enjoying the party with your friends, talking and playing various games. You were so thankful that the other avengers were there for you and supported you through the pregnancy

     "Hey everybody, gather round," Tony said suddenly. You were confused by his request, after all the only thing left to do that Pepper had told you about was the gender reveal. "So usually at things like this everybody brings 'cute' little gifts for the expecting mother, but we decided to go in on something for you together. Although, I paid for it, so it was mostly me."

     "Watch it Stark," Wanda interjected. "We were the ones that designed it, without us the whole thing would be a mess."

     "Okay, fine. Anyways, check this out." He rolled a marble out onto the floor and an image was projected into the air. You were confused at first, seeing only a picture of a small clearing amidst a growth of pine trees. Then Tony snapped his fingers and a house appeared. It was a white ranch-style, with flowers planted all around it. 

     You covered your mouth with your hand, "It's beautiful."

     "Once the baby is born you won't be able to live at the tower anymore, it would be too dangerous for the kid," Clint explained. "I talked to Fury about setting up a safe house for you and Steve to be able to settle down in. Everyone was excited about the idea and wanted to help and make it perfect for you guys."

     "It isn't done being built quite yet, but you will be all moved in before the baby arrives," Pepper assured you.

     You couldn't believe that your friends had done so much to help you out and you were trying your best not to start crying. "I can't thank you guys enough, it's incredible."

     The group proceeded to show you the designs for the interior of the house, each person eager to tell you what they had contributed to the project. The house was perfect. They had thought of everything that you could ever need or want to have in a home. Once your daughter was born, she was going to have the perfect place to live in the peace and quiet of the normal world.

     "Okay everybody," Pepper said while carrying a cake into the room. "It's time for the gender reveal." She set the cake down on a table in front of you and your husband. It was fairly plain the outside, having been frosted with white icing and then lightly coated in sprinkles. She then placed a knife next to it. You picked it up and Steve placed his hand over yours. Together, you moved the knife until it was hovering over the cake.

     "Is everyone ready?" you asked. 

     "Stop stalling and cut the cake already!" joked Natasha.

     With that, you and Steve cut into the cake, slicing a piece before very slowly pulling it away from the rest of the cake. When you did, you revealed that the inside of the cake had been colored a bright pink. Everyone begin cheering and you smiled brightly.

     Natasha was beaming as well, "Thank god, I don't know what I would do with anymore testosterone around here. I'm so happy for you y/n!"

     "Congrats Cap," said Tony, patting Steve on the back. "She's gonna have you wrapped around her little finger." 

     You laughed, knowing that it would probably be true. You were so excited for the house to be build and for the baby to come. The next four and a half months were going to be long and difficult, but you knew that it would be more than worth it in the end.

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