The First Appointment

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     Three weeks later you scheduled a doctor's appointment to check up on the baby. You weren't exactly sure how far along you were, but you figured that it should be enough to be able to get an ultrasound. Steve had made sure that you scheduled it on a day that he didn't have to work, so that he would be able to accompany you.

     The morning of the appointment you woke up to the feeling of nausea, a feeling that you were unfortunately getting used to. Morning sickness was even worse than all of the stories you had heard about it and you hoped that it didn't last throughout the entirety of your pregnancy. You decided to eat a bagel for breakfast, simply because it was something bland that you knew wouldn't make you feel any more sick. Then, you met up with your husband and the two of you walked down to the lobby of Stark Tower together. You had planned on taking a taxi to the doctor's office.

     Steve smiled at you as you walked outside, "How are you feeling?"

     "I'm excited, " you replied. "I can't wait to actually see the baby." Steve waved down a taxi and then opened the door for you as you climbed inside, before taking a seat next to you. You were on high alert being out in public. Working with the avengers made you a target for anybody attempting to do harm and you didn't want to put your baby at risk. Steve noticed how tense you were and grabbed your hand to calm you down.

     Before long, you arrived at the doctor's office. You checked in at the front desk and then found a seat in the waiting room next to Steve. You waited for about fifteen minutes, conversing quietly so as not to disturb the silence in the room. Then a nurse appeared where the hallway met the waiting room.

     "Mrs.Rogers?" She called. You and Steve stood up and walked over to her. "Follow me please." She led you down a hallway and into a room. "The two of you can sit down and the doctor will be here in just a second." You thanked her and took a seat in the examination chair.

     Before long there was a short knock on the door and the doctor entered the room. "Hello Mrs.Rogers, I see you are here to get your first ultrasound." She commented.

     You smiled and replied, "Yes, we're really looking forward to it." She doctor walked over to you and moved your shirt up, before spreading some cold jelly on your still flat stomach. She then took the doppler and began to move it around on you stomach. You watched as a picture began to appear on the screen, showing your baby. At the same time the machine began to emit a sound that you quickly recognized as the baby's heartbeat. You beamed and looked over at Steve to see him smiling as well.

     "As you can see, the baby is still very small. I would estimate that you are around eight weeks along." The doctor explained. "It appears to be very healthy though. We're just going to request that you schedule another appointment around a month out or the time being."

     With that both you and your husband finished talking to the doctor and then walked back out to the lobby. You scheduled your next appointment and then left the building.

     "It's amazing how far technology has come." Steve remarked, causing you to laugh.

     "I know, you missed out on quite a bit Cap." You joked. "Only a few more weeks until we find out the gender, I feel like it's going to be a boy."

     Steve wrapped his arm around your waist as he signaled for a taxi, "I don't care about the gender. As long as I get to have a healthy child with the woman I love." Despite having known Steve for a long time, his words still managed to give you butterflies. A taxi pulled up to the curb and both of you climbed into the back seat, telling the driver to head towards Stark Tower.

     "You know y/n, " Steve began, "It's probably about time that we told the rest of the avengers about the pregnancy. They're going to need to know that you won't be going on any missions with them for a while."

     "You're probably right. I'm just worried about what they are going to think about us raising a kid while working at the tower." You voiced the fears that you had been harboring in your mind for the past few weeks. "What if they think we're making a mistake?"

     Steve shook his head, "You worry too much y/n. They'll be supportive of our decision."

     You finally arrived back at the tower and walked in, only to be greeted by Tony. "Where have you guys been? Nobody's been able to find you all morning?"

     You were scrambling for an excuse, but Steve responded before you had to say anything. "Actually Tony, can you round everyone up? Y/n and I have something to tell all of you." Despite your nerves, you were glad that you had somebody by your side to help break the news this time. You just hoped that everyone would be as understanding as your husband thought they would be.

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