The Attack

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     You sat at a conference table with all of the avengers, awaiting news from Nick Fury. He had called for a meeting with everybody in the tower, claiming that something had come up and it was urgent. Once everyone had taken a seat he began speaking.

     "Alright, here's the deal. S.H.I.E.L.D. recently found a new Hydra base in Copenhagen, Denmark. They're attempting to make a new serum that could genetically modify a human to make them strong enough to defeat an entire army on their own. The base won't be easy to take down and we're going to need every one of you, excluding y/n for obvious reason."

     Next to you Steve furrowed his brow, "You mean you're going to leave y/n here alone the entire time that we're gone? Are you sure I shouldn't stay back just inca-"

     Fury cut Steve off, "She's a highly trained agent Captain, I think she'll be fine for a few days. Besides, we need all the help we can get on this mission."

     Everybody in the room turned to look at you and you rolled your eyes, "Fury's right guys. I can manage myself, go save the world."


     That was three days ago. Shortly after the meeting, everyone had left on the Quinjet and you had the whole tower to yourself. It was kind of nice to get some peace and quiet. You loved all of the avengers and they had become your family, but sometimes they got on your nerves. Steve had been really nervous about leaving you, so the two of you talked on the phone every night. Each time you told him about your boring days in the empty tower and he told you about their progress in Denmark. The mission had just been completed and the Hydra base was successfully taken down, so the team was heading back to New York.

     In the meantime, you were reading. You had started a book called Unbroken, which was the biography of a soldier who was in a plane crash and spent over a month adrift. Your hand was resting on your growing stomach. There were only four months left until your due date.

     All of a sudden you felt that something was off. You could have sword that you heard something downstairs, but you were the only one home and you knew that the Quinjet hadn't arrived yet. You put down your book and crept over to the bedroom door, slowly opening it. You stood there for a couple minutes and listened. You could just barely make out the sound of somebody rummaging around on anther floor. You walked to the stairs as quietly as you could and began making your way down.

     Each time you reached a landing you stopped and listened for the intruder until you were able to identify the floor that they were on. Five floors up from the ground floor, where the team's headquarters was. You could hear someone talking faintly, it sounded like German. That most likely meant Hydra. Thankfully you could only make out one voice.

     Your heart was pounding in your chest. There was no way that you were getting out of this without fight. In order to get to the next staircase and exit the building, you would have to pass the intruder. You also knew that you couldn't let whoever it was get to any top secret information. You placed your hand on your stomach, whispering to yourself, "It's okay baby, we got this." You had been trained your whole life to handle fights. You would just have to be extra careful this time. You edged towards the sound of the voice, hugging the wall. You quickly poked your head around the corner and saw that the door to an IT room had been left ajar.

     From the door you could hear the intruder talking, most likely into an earpiece, "Das Gebäude ist leer, ich suche jetzt nach Informationen". While you didn't know much German, you understood that the man was searching the computers right now. You had to work quickly before he got his hands on any important files.

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