Meet Baby Rogers

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     Even after spending a few hours with Sarah, everything still felt like a dream. You couldn't believe how lucky you were to have such an amazing daughter. It was strange to think about how nervous and upset you had been when you first found out that you were pregnant because now you wouldn't take it back for the world. You had finally found your true purpose, not to protect the planet, but to protect just this one child and raise her to someday become a person who would inspire everyone that she crossed paths with. 

     Sarah was asleep in a small crib next to your hospital bed. She looked so peaceful and innocent and you felt yourself needing to protect that innocence because you had never seen it in your own life until that moment. Sarah had beautiful blue eyes and thin, light hair that covered her tiny head. It was impossible for you to take your eyes off of her. You were exhausted after many long hours of labor, but you couldn't sleep. You didn't want to. Steve had stepped out into the lobby to call Tony and the others and tell them that the baby had arrived. You knew that they would be there almost immediately after hearing the news, so you and Steve had decided to wait a few hours before calling to give the three of you some time alone. 

     You heard the door open and Steve walked back into the room, sitting down at the end of your bed. "Tony said that they will be here soon. From the amount of crashing and scrambling I heard on the other end it sounded like they were already out the door by the time I ended the call."

     "Great," you replied, your voice laced with sarcasm. "Get ready for total mayhem."

     Steve laughed, "I'll make sure they're on their best behavior."

     Before long a nurse knocked on the door and came in, looking frazzled. She sighed, "There's a 'Tony Stark and friends' in the lobby demanding to be let in. Are you okay with them visiting right now, because I'm not so sure that we'll be able to stop them."

     You smiled and shook your head, "Yes, they can come in."

     Not even thirty seconds later the door flew open and all of the avengers, along with Pepper, filed in. It was a strange sight to see, they all looked very out of pace in such a quiet environment.

     Thor broke the silence, "Congratulations on your heir, Captain and Lady y/n."

     "Thank you Thor," Steve replied.

     Natasha went over to stand next to the crib, "She looks just like you y/n, except with Steve's eyes. She's adorable."

     "What's her name?" Bruce inquired.

     "We decided to name her Sarah, after Steve's mother."

     Tony gasped with mock offense, "I can't believe that you didn't name her after me, and after all I've done for you."

     You rolled your eyes, "Sorry Tony, next time."

     "You two are going to be great parents," said Pepper, after elbowing Tony in the ribs.

     All five of the visitors wanted to get to hold the baby, so after Steve attempted to give a lesson on how to safely and properly hold a baby, and was laughed at by Tony and nearly everyone else, they began to take turns with her. Each one of them was very gentle and sweet with her, which warmed your heart. They were going to be the best aunts and uncles. Sarah was going to be so spoiled. While she wasn't going to grow up in the tower, she would still be a big part of everyones lives.

     Being with all of your closest friends at the same time almost made you start to feel sad. Your life was never going to be the same as it was before. No more missions or spending late nights up together in the tower. You wouldn't be able to see the avengers as much as you were used to because they would still have to do their jobs and you would be at a secret location. A location that they wouldn't be able to go to too often because it would risk the address getting out.

     "You guys know that you're not allowed to forget about us right?" you said, voicing your worries. "I mean, you'll come visit as often as you can? Sarah's going to need all of her aunts and uncles around to keep her company."

     "Of course!" Pepper replied. 

     Everyone else agreed with her, so you were content. You felt a happiness wash over you unlike anything you'd ever felt before. You had everything that you had ever dreamt of, the perfect husband, the perfect child, and a beautiful house where you could spend the rest of your lives in peace.

     Eventually, they all left to go back to the tower, promising to visit as soon as you got out of the hospital. It was just you, Steve, and Sarah. You finally gave in to the exhaustion that you were feeling and drifted off to sleep, a smile still of your face.

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