Part 1

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I ran so fast, something that I am decent at but it wasn't the fact that I could run that made my feet move that fast. It was the pure adrenaline running through my veins. Two guys were chasing me, one slightly fat and one just about average size.

I hated the fact that I was always the one the bullies decided to pick on the most. I hated the fact that I was always the rich kid, the weird nerdy guy with bodyguards following him around wherever he went.

I ran down the stairs in the hallway at my primary school. They were right behind me, but I didn't dare look back to see just how close they were to me exactly. I didn't have to anyway. I have always been a good estimator and just from the sound of their footsteps, they were about five feet behind me. I almost tripped on the stairs when I was running down them, but I didn't slow down. It seemed to make me hurtle faster.

My heart was thudding in my chest, and the energy that that gave me was so insane. I couldn't slow down or feel the need to because of fear. I've felt and dealt with the pain of getting beaten up by bullies way to many times, and I couldn't get another beating when I hadn't even fully healed from the last one which left purple bruises around my stomach. As I ran down the hallway on the ground floor, I so regretted not letting my bodyguards follow me around the school like they were glued to me.

I never liked the body guards that my mom recommended to take care of me. She had become so overly protective since my dad died because she didn't want to lose a son too. But I hated the idea because the bodyguards brought so much attention to me. I was the only kid in school that had bodyguards around him. Everyone would have their eyes stuck on me like a hawk whenever they saw me with them.

The bodyguards also made the fact that I am a rich kid so abundantly vivid. I never liked being rich since the day I realise just how much attention being rich brought you. Not only do you have people staring at you like you're abnormal, you also get pampered; get worried about a lot, and everyone always treats you like a kid. Maybe I am still a kid because I am after all only ten, but it's just too much. This type of attention wouldn't be given to a ten year old that was just normal, or even more so, poor. I am not saying I want to be poor, but I just want to be normal so that I get just the correct amount of attention that a ten year old needs.

As I ran down the hallway to get to the Limo were the bodyguards were, I collided with a figure that made me stop on my tracks. I noticed it was a boy with black hair. That's all I was able to see of him as he fell to the ground and yelled with anger.

"Come on man!" I heard him say

"Sorry man." I said as I quickly started running again.

One of the bullies managed to grab my arm but I squirmed as hard as I could, managing to make his hand slip of my arm and continued running. I could see the gate of the school now, and the bodyguards were right outside next to the limo.

I ran close enough for them to notice me being chased. They immediately started running and once they were close, started yelling at the boys to leave me. The two boys held their hands up in defence as they started walking slowly backwards.

"Whatever." Ken, the average sized bully said. The fat one was named Jerry. They were popular bullies in the school that bullied every nerdy kid that walked the walls. Unfortunately, I was their biggest target.

I watched them both walk away, not even the slightest frightened. They were definitely going to find a way to bully me the following day. The two bodyguards, Jorge and Will, asked me if I was alright as they held my hands and led me to the limo but I squirmed and they let go of me as I pushed them away.

I was mad, and they busy asking me if I was okay and leading me to the car wasn't helping one bit. They are part of the reason why this is happening. They're part of the reason why I get bullied so much.

Being rich, nerdy, and misunderstood adds up to the whole package of why I get bullied, and having bodyguards and riding inside a limo unlike a normal kid who rides in an ordinary car made me aggravated, so before I climbed inside the crappy limo, I kicked it with all my might then opened the door to enter and banged it when I closed it.


I walked inside the silent passage way at school as the idle seconds passed. There wasn't anyone in the school around this time so it was pretty quiet.

I sighed in the silence, the sigh managing to create an echo. In case you haven't noticed yet, I get bored pretty easily, so I try my best at all time to do anything fun to avoid boredom.

This is pretty much the reason why I get in trouble a lot of times. I just came from detention, which involves packing countless books in crappy dusty shelves, as If I didn't have a life. And why did I get this detention if you may ask? All because I started a food fight in the cafeteria a week ago.

I had been just trying to lighten the mood and get people to have fun when I started the food fight, but of cause it had seemed like an atrocious thing to do according to the principal Mr Barker. I swear that man needs a life. And not just a life like the one he has, but a real life. He needs to learn to live a little.

The echo of my footsteps began to become less taunting in the silence as I heard more footsteps in the silence. I saw the kid, Donny, or Danny, I couldn't quite remember his name but he was the biggest nerd in the school.

It wasn't surprising that he was being chased by Jerry and Ken, the biggest bullies in the school. They were always out to get him. I on the other hand, despite how obsessed I am with having fun, didn't like something like bullying other kids. I didn't get why bullies liked bullying the nerdy kids so much. It didn't seem like a fun thing to do for me because I wasn't a bad person, so I never got satisfaction on seeing other kids crying or sad because of me.

The kid whose name I can't quite remember knocked me down due to how fast he had been running to get away from the bullies. He hadn't even been looking at where he had been going. He stopped running for a second as I yelled with irritation and after saying sorry, he continued running again. I stood up as I watched the bullies run after him.

Ken managed to touch his hand but he squirmed making Ken let go of him. I don't know what it was exactly, whether it was sorrow or sympathy or whatever, but I ran after the bullies that were chasing him.

I just wanted to see what they were going to do to the kid if they managed to catch him. I wanted to see if I could somehow prevent him from getting another beating because I was pretty sure he had gotten a bunch of them lately.

The kid managed to get to his bodyguards who started yelling at the two bullies to leave him alone. I watched at how unaffected the two bullies where as they turned around and walked away.

I then watched at how pissed the kid was. His anger started to really show as he started pushing away the bodyguards and then, kicking the black limo that took him to and from school every day, then opening the door and closing it so hard behind him. I wouldn't want to be him.

Authors note

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Xoxo... Hope

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