Part 13

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The next morning at school, I was in for it big time. I knew the bullies wouldn't leave me alone, and for that I came extra prepared.

I frankly had no idea what I was planning on solving except maybe prevent myself from getting beaten. I knew this was only making the bullying worse but I didn't have any other choice. What else was I supposed to do?

I walked into school and something was different. Everyone was staring at me but the expression on some people's faces were different. Some of them were smiling and some even waving. It was weird. It felt like I was one of the popular ones.

I soon found out the reason was because of the stunt I pulled yesterday of the smoke bombs. I guess news travels fast. People were impressed that I had fought back against the bullies and the smoke bombs were pretty cool. Besides some people saying how scary they were and some rumours from gossipers saying I'd tried to kill the bullies, most people thought it was cool that I'd created them.

I had never used experiments before to create anything to defend myself, and people didn't know I could use chemicals.

The principal wasn't pleased at all thought. He called before school started in his office.

"Daniel, I understand that you were trying to defend yourself against the bullies, but that stunt you pulled could have killed someone." The principal said in his office as I sat at the chair opposite him. He couldn't be serious? He calls me to his office and not the bullies who were pining me against the lockers?

"It wasn't harmful." I told him "And what about the bullies? Aren't they supposed to be punished?"

"You aren't getting punished Daniel. Many people are saying you attempted to cause harm to the bullies and you scared people. And the bullies are already taken care of. They got detention for a week."

"People gossip. I didn't intend to harm anyone." My voice was higher now because I was so angry. I knew he was an elderly and that I should be respectful, but I couldn't believe he was saying what I did to defend myself was wrong.

"I know some people got scared, but the smoke bombs weren't harmful at all. I just used them to get away from the bullies. You know, to prevent myself from getting beaten. I'm sorry if you think what I did was wrong sir but I had to do it."

He shook his head "You always have a choice Daniel. There are other ways to stop this bullying other than causing violence."

"Like what? Telling you. I already did that and you giving them detention didn't help and you telling them to stay away from me didn't help either sir. They came back to bullying me even twice as worse."

"I know how bad the bullying is Daniel. I just had another parent come to complain a few minutes ago. I'm trying to get it under control. In the meantime, you need to stop making the situation worse."

"You mean by just letting them bully me? By just letting them beat me up?"

I was on the verge of tears now and I just wanted to go back to class. Clearly this conversation with the principal wasn't helping. He didn't get me. He didn't understand me because he wasn't in my position.

He didn't know how bad it was. All he could do was sit there and judge me. The bell rang, giving me an excuse to go. "Can I please just go to class now?"

The principal nodded, he too seeming to realise that our conversation wasn't going anywhere. I stood up and walked out of his office.

I was heading for my first class which was Science. I took slow steps, trying to sink in the conversation with the principal and mostly just trying to calm myself down.

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