Part 18

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It was epic how the whole cafeteria was covered in laughter, including mine, when the milk spilled all over Ken. The shock and anger in his face was explicit and it totally made my day. His friends where the only ones that weren't laughing, but I could see a few of them smiling and covering their mouths so they didn't laugh. The principal was not happy. What's new, the man is never happy. Therefore, he desperately needs a life. 

Couldn't he be happy that the bullies, who have bullied kids where finally getting what they deserve? Of cause not. Instead, he considered it bullying and, and I quote 'a violation of school rules.' He was determined to find out who had caused the bullying and was going around searching every kid in the school to find the remote that had controlled the helicopter. 

That meant checking our school bags. He had done this discretely without notifying anyone about the search by making our teachers, immediately after break, to search our belongings. Daniel and I had gym period right after break and when we thought we were about to start exercising like any other normal gym period, the teacher told us to put all our bags in a pile on the floor. 

My heart raced as I stared at Daniel who was at the other side of the gym. If they found the remote that controlled the helicopter, we were toast. Daniel looked much chilled compared to me as he tossed his bag pack on the floor along with the other bags. 

I threw mine on the floor too. I watched as the principal searched all the bags throwing them to the side until he came to Daniel's. He searched then, when he didn't find anything, threw it to the side. I stared at Daniel and he slightly smiled. I should have known he had thrown the remote away. Otherwise, he wouldn't be a genius.

"Okay, now we can commerce to our daily routine." He said before he told us to start running.


The prank went well, and it had the whole school buzzing. The bullies were on to Alec and I though. The distraction he had caused right before I dumped the milk on Ken was making the bullies think we were the once who pranked Ken. Luckily, they couldn't prove it. 

I knew I had to throw away the remote controller before the prank even commenced, and I had made sure to do it completely unnoticed and made sure I used the bin inside the cafeteria where they weren't any cameras.

"So, when'd you get rid of it?" Alec asked me afterschool. School had just gotten out and we where walking out of the school gate.

"Right before lunch ended." I said. I could already see the black limo that took me to and from school every-day. It wasn't at all hard not to see it because it stood out. "Imagine if we got caught."

"I already did that, when they searched our bags in gym." Alec said, and I giggled at how ridiculous it was for him to think I'd have the remote in my bag pack. "It's not funny."

"It is."

"I have to go." Alec said, "I'll come to your house to practice and maybe we'll come up with another prank." He was turning around, heading for his dad's car when I stopped him.

"Wait." He turned and waited for me to continue. I was planning on asking him to come for a sleep over ever since yesterday when we didn't get the chance to dance, and I thought it would be easier if he never had to go home. 

Today was Friday though, we had the whole weekend and I don't know if he would even want to come to sleep over, or his parents would allow. And I knew the talent show auditions weren't the only reason I wanted him to come sleepover. 

It gets a lot lonely being the only kid inside a huge house. Even though I try at all means to keep myself occupied and Allie comes to visit at times, I'm always alone pretty much all the time, and having Alec sleepover would get rid of my loneliness for sure. I never had to ask anyone to sleep-over, so I didn't know how ones supposed to ask.

"Daniel?" He waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was overthinking this and totally being ridiculous.

"Uhm...I was wondering..."


"If you wanted to come sleepover like today?"

"Really?" He grinned. He was keen about the idea, which came to no surprise because he was Alec. Why was I even scared to ask him? Because like he says, I think too much.

I nodded my head to confirm. "Yah that'd be totally cool." His smile faded a bit "But I've got to ask my parents first. I'll let you know."

"Okay. Cool." I knew he'd have ask his parents first, I just hoped they say yes.


My mom and dad were not on board with the whole sleepover thing, mostly my dad because he had never even met Daniel. He just kept on going on and on about how sleeping at a stranger's house is very unsafe, and I had to keep telling him repeatedly about how Daniel isn't a stranger. 

My mom was just concerned about Daniel's mom, and after begging continuously, a half an hour straight, she agreed to let me go sleepover if only she can meet Daniel's mom. My dad was a tough nut to break but when I convinced mom, she talked to him and he agreed.

"Now, are you sure Daniel said his mom is okay with you sleeping over?" She asked for the second time as she packed my bag with clothes and my toiletries.

"Yes." I said, "He texted me." I gave her the message Daniel sent me a few minutes back to read. She read it briefly and gave me bag the phone.

"Now if anything happens at all, I need you to call me okay?"

"Mom I'll be fine."

After she finished packing my stuff, we drove to Daniel's house. I wanted to go alone and walk there because it wasn't that far, but mom wanted to meet Daniel's mom. I sat in the passenger seat as mom told me to put my seat belt on.

"Mom, it's like a three-minute drive." I told her but off-cause she didn't care. All the cared about is how a seat belt should always be worn for safety. So, I buckled the seat belt on, so she could stop scolding me. 

It wasn't until we were about two blocks away from Daniel's house that I remembered something. My mom didn't know Daniel was from a wealthy family. I had completely forgotten about that when she said she wanted to meet Daniel's mom.

"That's it." I pointed to Daniel's house and my mom got surprised

"How are we supposed to get in?" She stared at the big gate.

"The security guards know me." I said before I told her to ring the car bell. The gate slightly opened and one of the guards got out. I put the window down and friendly waved at the guard when he peered his head into the window.

"Hi Alec. Good evening Miss." The guard greeted my mom and I?

"Good evening sir." My mom said.

After the guards opened the gate for us, we parked in the big front yard and walked up the porch. My mom rang the doorbell as I carried my bag full of my clothes, which was heavier than I anticipated. I have no idea what my mom packed inside of it because it was clearly more stuff than I needed. 

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