Part 19

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I was surprised yet delighted when Alec said his parents agreed for him to come sleep-over. I am sure if it was the other way around, meaning sleeping over at his house, my mom would have never agreed. She hadn't even wanted me to go to his house to visit the first time I went. I had to beg her until she said yes. 

I heard the doorbell ringing while I was in the living room watching some cartoons. I stood up and ran to the door to open it. I guess I was too excited. I opened the door and saw Alec standing in the doorway with his mom. She smiled and greeted me, and I greeted her bag, opening the door wider so they could both enter.

"Mom!" I yelled. She despised yelling in the house and due to being excited, I completely forgot. I had to call mom and tell her to come home early today. I could tell she hadn't been pleased but she bought her work home and was working in her office at home. 

She wasn't that far so I'm pretty sure she had had my loud yelling. She quickly came after that and Alec's mom got to meet my mom. After my mom assured Alec's mom that her son was in good hands, she kissed Alec on the head, and Alec scrunched his nose in discomfort. I wanted to laugh but I held back my laughter.

After Alec's mom left, my mom told Alec to tell her if he needs anything. All the maids were gone, and it was just me and my mom in the house, along with Alec now. My mom then told me to take Alec to his room, and Alec gave me a weird look. 

I already knew what he was thinking though. Shouldn't sleepovers mean sleeping in the same room? So, he decided to sleep in my room with me, which was perfectly fine because I had the big bed big enough for two people. 

I opened by bedroom door as Alec followed behind me. He had his bag pack around his shoulder and I told him he could put it inside on the floor of my closet.

"So, what do you want to do?" I lied on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I can't wait to see that in the dark." I heard Alec say referring to the galaxy ceiling as he neared by bed.

"Yah it's pretty cool." I said before I felt the bed slightly dip. Alec had climbed on the bed and was now jumping up and down on it.

"Dude" I told him "Stop that or my mom is going to kill me." I liked jumping on the bed too, but I never do it when my mom's home. She always gives me an earful and one time, she hadn't allowed me to watch T-V the whole day all because I had been jumping on the bed.

"Oh, come on. Chill. She's way downstairs." He bent down and tried yanking me up with my arm.

"You have no idea who my mom is. She's supper controlling..." I was cut off by Alec hitting me on my face with a pillow. "You did not just do that." I got up ready for my revenge as I grabbed a pillow and hit him back. We both were laughing hard as we had our pillow fight. Luckily, mom never came upstairs so she didn't hear us.

We went to the dance room to practice our routine for Monday after that. It took us a whole fifteen minutes to even start because we were bickering on the song to dance to. Alec and I had different tastes when it came to music and most of the music he liked dancing to, I didn't.

"This is completely stupid." I said when fourteen minutes passed with us still bickering on the song. "Why don't we just combine the type of songs we both like and dance to all of them."

"Why didn't you just say that fifteen minutes ago?" He waved his hands in the air with exasperation.

"Because I liked the idea of Dancing only to one song but since that isn't going to work, let' just go with plan B." I told him.

We didn't have to argue much when it came to dance moves. We both liked dance and were open to versatility. So, most dance moves that each one of us bought made the dance versatile and interesting unlike if only one person came up with the dance moves. 

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