Part 9

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The sound of thunder made both our eyes to look to the sky distracting us from the question she asked . The sky was grey and the clouds looked heavy.

"We should get home." I said before walking fast. She followed behind me asking me to slow down. But it was about to pour, so I yelled telling her to catch up.

We were two blocks away from the house when it started pouring. Allie was still a couple of feet behind me. I stopped and told her to hurry up. She stopped moving though, staring at the sky with this smile on her face like it's the first time she sees rain.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Playing in the rain." She said as if it was so obvious. She ran towards me and touched me with her hand saying
"You're it."

"You seriously want to play catch in the rain?" I asked her.

"Come and get me." She said running.

Okay what was the worst case scenario? Catching a little cold, probably. But a little fun in the rain wouldn't hurt much so I ran after her, and we played catch in the rain until we both started shivering and knew we had to get home.


I went to Sizwe's house to play ball after finding out Daniel wasn't at home. A few minutes after playing though, I found myself getting bored and asked him if he wanted to dance.

I love ball, but I'm getting tired of playing it every time I play with my friends, and I felt like dancing.

Sizwe looked at me as if I had two heads asking me if I seriously thought dancing was more fun than playing ball.

He also complained about how I almost killed him and Reginald last time I recommended we dance. I tried to make them do one of my daring dance moves and they almost broke their bones.

We continued playing ball for a couple more minutes before I realised it was about to pour and my house was on the other side of town. So I said good-bye to him and ran to my house. I didn't get there before the rain could pour though. When I was still running, about half-way there, the rain started.

"Great." I had mumbled as I picked up my pace and ran faster. I didn't want to catch a cold.  I got home a few minutes later and I was soaking wet and shivering.

My mom scolded me about a hundred times for not coming home sooner. She made me change out of my wet clothes and wrapped a towel around me. She even insisted I drink tea. I'm not a tea lover.

"Mom. It's not like I'm dying. I'm just a little cold." I told her but she didn't listen.


My mom and Aunt Lyla were mad at us for not coming home sooner. The ice cream shop wasn't that far away which gave them an even bigger reason to yell at us.

They made us change out of our wet clothes and gave us hot soup. I didn't like soup alone. It tasted salty and it needed something like rice to go along with it.

"Can we stop eating now?" Daniel said after a few sips of the soup. He looked like he hated it just as much as me. I didn't regret us playing in the rain though. It was pretty fun and I know he liked it too.

"No. You have to eat all of it and then have some flu medicine." Aunt Lyla said.

"But mom." Daniel said "I haven't caught a cold yet."

"And that's precisely why you have to drink some medicine. You too Allie." She said staring at me.

After the salty soup and the flu medicine, we watched some T-V which was filled with both of us fighting over what to watch.

He allowed me to watch a few shows at first because he had been watching his shows since he arrived but after that we couldn't stop fighting over what to watch.

I really enjoy being the only child. Just because of that, I can get to watch anything anytime I want without fighting. But having Daniel around makes that impossible.

"Stop fighting or I'll switch off the TV." My mom said, but like we ever listened. So she did end up switching off the TV and we had absolutely nothing to do than listen to the rain outside and... well die of boredom.

"Do you want to play a game?" He asked.

"With what?" I asked. Without the TV we could not play a game.

"It's this game I bought." He said "It's in my bag."

"Is it lame?"


"That means it is lame because anything you like is lame." I said.

"Fine." He stood up from the couch "Sit there and die of boredom." He shrugged and went upstairs.

I ended up following him a couple of minutes later and we played the game he had recommended. It was actually fun, but I would never admit that to him.


I woke the next day underneath the covers of the bed in my bedroom...well the bedroom I use when I come to visit but nevertheless, it was technically my bedroom since I was the only one that ever used it.

I didn't remember getting inside the covers. Frankly, the last thing I remember was me and Allie falling asleep on top of my bed while playing my board game. The rest is ancient history.

My mom or Aunt Jane must have probably tucked me in and took Allie to her room. It was still raining a bit from the sound of droplets of rain outside, but it wasn't raining loud like yesterday.

"Daniel?" My mom knocked on my bedroom door. I was still sleepy and the rain was making me even sleepier.

"Mmm?" I mumbled.

"Get up honey." She said "We are going to be late for church."

I was too sleepy to get up though. Really, it wouldn't hurt to sleep just a little while longer. But about a few minutes later, my mom barged into my room practically yanking me out of bed telling me she had already poured water for me in the bath tub and that I needed to go and bath.

That eradicated my sleepiness. She said everyone else was done bathing but me and that I needed to hurry. She was already dressed in her Sunday best. It was a black dress with a white jacket.

I bathed and my mom made me put on a suit, which I didn't want to. She forced me to though, saying how handsome I'd look.

It was raining outside and the sun was no were to be seen. So I didn't feel like putting on a suit at all today. But like I had a choice. Aunt Jane gushed when I entered the kitchen claiming how handsome I looked.

I stopped the urge to roll my eyes. She was making breakfast for us. She had already made some bacon and eggs and she was busy making my favourite. Waffles.

She makes them a lot when I come to visit. Allie came down the stairs wearing a beautiful purple dress that was puffy like the Cinderella type. It was cute on her though, but I'd never tell her that. My mom gushed when she saw her and told her how pretty she looks and complemented her about a hundred times.

We ate breakfast and then hurried to church. We attended the Lutheran church in the neighbourhood. It was a nice church and the people were friendly. It lasted about three and half hours most times, unless if there was a special even, which wasn't the case today.

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