chapter fifteen

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"broke a finger knocking
on your bedroom door,
i've got splinters in my knuckles
from crawling cross the floor"


chapter fifteen
the fluttery problem

August 17th

Ha! Dont even talk to me
about bad internet!
I'm just better than you styles.
don't worry, you've got
redeeming qualities.
Not many but some.

I laughed down at my phone, smile spreading wide across my face. I started typing back a reply, the text box filling up with my words.

'Harry,' Al said, as I typed about how good at mobile scrabble I actually was.


'Harry, the client...'

I was still typing my message out when Al's comment registered in my brain, and I realised there were people waiting on me. I stopped immediately, quickly turning my phone off and lifting my arse off my seat slightly to stuff it into my back pocket.

'Sorry,' I coughed, grinning over at the woman who was patiently waiting, she sat opposite me on the desk and I rubbed a hand over my jaw, 'So this is – uh, this is one forrest wedding we've shot before,' I pushed a few photos towards her, 'and this is another.'

While she observed the photos, I looked over to Al, who was beside me – eyes squeezed into a glare. I gave him an apologetic grin. This wasn't the first time this week that one of Taylor's messages had kept me from something. Even it was only for a moment.

Lucky for me, our client adored the pictures we showed her, and we booked her in for the beginning of the next year for a spring wedding.

'Maybe you shouldn't message Taylor at work,' Al coughed, after I'd walked the woman to the door, leaving her with a friendly goodbye. I turned to look at him, shutting the glass door. My phone felt hot with a new message in my back pocket, and it took everything in me to not reach in and grab it.

Taylor and I had been doing great. What we had going on was only getting better. No one had upset the other in a couple of weeks, and the sex was still on fire.
We were growing quite fond of the other really, and it was safe to say we didn't even tolerate the other anymore. We genuinely liked the other's company.

Things with work were progressing nicely too. The office had been open for a week now, and everything was fine. We'd just hired a receptionist, and my office was looking fantastic. We were in the process of hanging up various shots along the walls, and some were on the floor, leaning against the freshly painted walls. As I walked back over to Al, I was careful not to kick any over.

Al was stood at at the receptionist's desk, shutting the computer down. I cleared my throat from behind him.

'I didn't mean to,' I said, almost sheepishly. I used the top of my shoe to kick at a piece of loose carpet. ''s not a big deal.'

'Yeah,' Al muttered, and straightened his back, 'Are you seeing her tonight?' I bit down on my bottom lip.

'Maybe.' I was seeing her, definitely, but I didn't really want to talk to Al about getting into Taylor's pants.
He tried not to look disapproving of the "relationship", but he failed hard, and it stressed me out, so I avoided talking about it with him all together. He was never supposed to find out in the first place.

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