chapter sixteen

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"now we are on the bed in my room,
and I'm about to fill his shoes."


chapter sixteen
the assistant problem

August 22nd

'Gentle, ssh, slow it down, Harry...'

I let the desperate (and slightly embarrassing) moans I'd been emitting settle. The fast roll of my hips became paced, and with that; deeper and more thorough. There was more stimulation against where Taylor wanted it most and her head tipped back against the soft cushion of my pillow as a moan grew from the bottom of her chest and fell from the plump of her lips.

'There we go,' she praised, hand coming up to stroke the back of my head, and her eyes closing blissfully. I'd been getting carried away in the quick of it all, and Taylor grounded me perfectly.

It was mid afternoon, and instead of editing like I should've been; I was wedged deep inside Taylor, sliding in and out of her, and leaving soft pink love bites on her skin.

We hadn't spent all day at it, in the morning I'd gone for a photography class. Dee picked me up, coming up to my flat beforehand to snoop through my personal property as I was dressing.

'What've you got here? Are you writing love letters, Harry?' She had said in a teasing manner, as I pulled on a Calvin Klein t-shirt.

'Get out of it!' I snapped, and snatched my tattered journal away from Dee's prying eyes. I'd accidentally left it open on my bed where she was sitting, and it was spread open for her to see. I wondered how much she did see.

They weren't love letters. They were lyrics. And I wasn't keen on nosy Dee taking a look.

'Sorry,' she chuckled, folding her legs, 'If you were writing love letters, we know who'd they be for, don't we?'

I rolled my eyes, closing the journal up and cramming it into my bedside drawer, 'Don't go there.'

Dee had got over whatever it was that had been bothering her about my little activities with Taylor, and she was now in full teasing mode ever since I let slip we went and saw a film together, and then didn't have sex after.

It was still a bit bizarre to me, also.

'Taylor "I hate her stinking guts" Swift?' Dee continued on and I bit back a grin.

'Do you know how to stop talking?'

'Nope,' Dee shook her head, 'You two got over your little dry spell?'

'We were never going through a dry spell, she was tired. I was tired.'

Dee was quiet for a moment, looking at me with slitted eyes like she was observing me, 'Say her name,' she said with a smirk suddenly, and I frowned, confused at her demand.


'Say it!'

'... Taylor?' It was a genuine question.

'Ha! Look at yourself! That smile — why are you smiling like that?' Dee jumped up and pointed a finger at my face, accusingly. I smacked it away.

''M not... leave me alone!'

She did not leave me alone.
It went on for the rest of the morning.
Even more so when Taylor messaged me after class, and Dee caught sight of her name on the notification.

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