chapter seventeen

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"where you gonna go?
not that I care
and who can you trust,
now that I'm not there?"


chapter seventeen
the chase problem

not edited, sorry

August 23rd

'Quit stealing all the red ones!'

'They're mine!'

Taylor snatched the packet of lolly snakes away from my attempted grasp, claiming the bag that I'd purchased as her own. I narrowed my eyes at her at the action.

'Eyes on the road, Styles,' she quipped, biting the head off a red jelly snake, in a taunting way.

The drive down to Sheffield usually took about two hours from Manchester. But with my well documented tendency to drive just above the speed limit, I was probably going to get us there just a bit earlier than the google maps was telling me.

'Harry, you're going faster than what's allowed,' Taylor noticed, chewing through her snake and I hushed her.

'Relax,' I yawned, eyeing the time on my dash. It was early; just past seven, the roads were empty and I wished I'd got a coffee to go, like Taylor had suggested. I would not be telling her that, however.

I drove through the countryside, wanting Taylor to see the beauty of Britain's greenery, along with the villages, and old buildings, the large paddocks home to horses, sheep and other livestock. She would smile every time we drove past some kind of animal, with a childlike gasp of, "Horses!", or "Cow's!", and even a: "Wait... was than an alpaca?"

It was highly entertaining for me, and also a little distracting whenever she would turn her head towards me, and just stare... like the creep she was.

'What?' I eventually asked, catching her eyes. She smiled softly, a pink tinge growing in the apples of her cheeks.

'Nothing,' she settled with, with a gentle shake of her head, and her eyes fell back on the road in front of us. Needing an answer, I took my hand off the wheel and reached over to softly pinch the skin of her bare thigh, making Taylor yelp with a little jolt of her lower half.

'What was that for?' she squealed with a smile, rubbing a palm over where it was growing just a little more pink.

'What're you starin' at?' I laughed, eyes flicking from her to the road, 'Is there something on my face?' I touched my chin and cheeks, patting around.

'No,' Taylor huffed, but then proceeded to develop a cheeky smirked, 'Just... enjoying the view.'

My heart thumped against my ribcage at her words and I cleared my throat, 'The view?' I repeated, fully turning my head, 'You checking me out driving, Swift?'

No reply from her, just a silly little shrug.
But I guess I had my answer. The ride felt a lot nicer after that. Not that it wasn't already, it was just good to know Taylor was checking me out half the time.
I was checking her out too, I supposed.

We got to Sheffield just before nine, and when I pulled up to the hotel; Taylor gave a loud gasp. The hotel was more like a small Victorian castle, of sorts, and Taylor beamed the second she saw it.

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