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"Lottie, we need to film something before tomorrow or else Noah's gonna kill us," Brooke reminds the younger teen. Noah was the manager for her, Brooke and their friend Naomi. The three girls did a lot of shit and Noah took care of most things for them. They were not wildly popular at all but they had some following so they hired Noah because they did not and still don't know what they're doing. Lottie and Brooke do youtube together while Naomi focuses on modeling but she has appeared on the girls' channels more than once. Brooke and Lottie do some modeling with Naomi but not a lot.

"I forgot tomorrow's Wednesday," Lottie sighs while standing up from her spot. She walks into her room and takes out her tripod and camera before bringing it back to the living room. She sets it up to face the couch she was just sitting on before taking her seat. Brooke walks over and presses the record button before plopping down on the spot next to the girl.

"Wait, what are we filming?" Lottie asks with a light laugh.

"Oh fuck we didn't think that far ahead," Brooke groans while facepalming. "Uhh, any ideas?"

"No, but we need to go grocery shopping so we could turn it into a mediocre vlog? it won't be David Dobrik level but it's better than nothing," Lottie suggests with a small shrug. Brooke just nods before standing and grabbing the camera. She stops the camera before putting it into her purse while Lottie runs to get her wallet and keys.

"Ready?" Brooke questions when she sees Lottie round the corner of their shared apartment with Naomi.

"I guess," Lottie answers while reaching for the doorknob. Before she can even touch it, the door swings open to reveal Noah on the other side. He seems to be in a cheery mood and grins at the girl.

"That's terrifying," Brooke whispers. "What's up, Noah?"

"I got a big gig for the two of you!" He exclaims with so much excitement.

"Okay," Lottie cautiously answers with a frown, "What is it?"

"You two are going to be the fake girlfriends of a well-known boyband," He grins while doing a happy dance. The two girls give each other a confused look before turning back to their overexcited manager.

"I have a lot of questions," Brooke replies. The man stops his dance with a sigh and motions for the girls to follow him. They don't question it, they just make sure the door is locked before following him out of their apartment complex. They reach his car which is parked right next to Lottie's before stopping.

"Charlotte follow me," Noah says while getting into his car.

"Call me Charlotte again and I'll punch you in the face," Lottie barely gets in before he slams the door shut. The man just flips her off before starting his car and pulling it out. The two girls rush to Lottie's car before getting in and following him.

After about 10 minutes, Noah pulls into a parking space in front of a giant recording studio. The girls follow suit before getting out of the car and following him into a building. They don't ask him questions because they learned very quickly that he will not answer them. He bypasses a secretary and walks straight down the hallway. Brooke turns and gives the woman an apologetic look before running after him with Lottie. He pushes his way into a room and the girls have to sprint to catch up with him.

"For fuck's sake, Noah would you slow down," Lottie groans, immediately getting hushed by the man. She frowns before hearing people singing and then understands why he shut her up. Brooke and her step into the room before shutting it behind them. Looking up they see four boys in front of them with one in the booth. Noah walks over to a man who Brooke's assuming is the boys' manager before gesturing towards them. They both turn towards the girls before motioning one boy from the band over. He's somewhat tall with ocean blue eyes and when he smiles Brooke can make out a tooth gap. He seems very friendly as he shakes Noah's hand before looking towards the Brooke and Lottie.

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